Part six

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Your POV*
I was walking with the boys when I saw dragon. I waved to her and she waved back.
"Who's that?" Asked Ryan
"It was the person behind me while I was waiting in line"
"Oohhhhhh" I walked up to her,
"Hey D!"
"Hi y/n! How was backstage?"
"So cool! I met so many YouTubers! What about you? How was the panel?"
"It was fun! Where are you going?"
"I may or may not be going back to the hotel of the squad..."
And with that dragons face lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Me too! I just wish we could hang out sometime and get to know each other." I said feeling sad
"Maybe we still can, here's my number" she pulled out a pen from who knows where and wrote it on my arm.
"Text me when you can ok?"
"I will, thanks"
We said our goodbyes and I joined the group
"Who was that?" Ryan asked
"My first best friend" I said smiling. We took two cabs to the hotel and we went to the room 69 (hehe 69) the door opened and the room was huge. There were two queen beds in the middle of the room, a bedroom with a queen bed, a balcony, and a bathroom. There was also a small kitchen, a bathroom with a shower, and what looked like to be a pullout couch.
"Wow this place is huge!" I said jumping on a bed
"I know right! Who knew that going to Pax would be fun" will said joking at the end.
"So who wants to play some games and maybe some try not laugh challenges?" Baz asked and we all nodded. We just played some games and did lots of try not to laugh challenges. The person who won the challenges was actually baz and Lewis lost all of them so did Will. Me, Ryan, razz, won some and lost some but all together we had a lot of fun. But as all good things it had to end. It was 8 pm and I had to go home to winter.
"Guys this was really fun but I have to go home"
"Awwwwwww" razz said giving me puppy eyes.
"I'm sorry guys but I really need to"
"Do you want me to take you home?" Ryan asked,
"No it's ok I just need to go to my car that's at the convention center"
"I can go with you!" Ryan suggested
"I mean if you really want to than ok let's go" I said and me and Ryan got a cab heading back to the convention center.
"I had a lot of fun today with you" Ryan said blushing a little
"Me too, I just wish that it could last forever" I put my hand on top of him and rubbed it with my thumb. I could tell that I was blushing that mad, then I looked at Ryan, his face looked like a tomato. I start to giggle, he then joined in. His laugh is so much better in person. We got to the convention center seeing my car. I didn't want to leave, I just wanted to stay with him and laugh again, but I couldn't.
"So this is it..." I sadly said
"Yeah.." I could tell that Ryan was sad.
"Wait! Hang on!" Ryan pulled out a blue pen and wrote on my arm his number.
"Just call or text me when you need someone ok?" He said with a smile
"I promise" I smiled and waved goodbye. When I was in my car I fangirled so hard. I started my car and just listened to songs until I got home.

Lewis POV*
I had a bad feeling about y/n like she's not telling us something.
"Does anyone else have a bad feeling about her?" I asked the group
"I think she's great, plus I haven't seen Ryan this happy ever since Pauline" baz had a point but there's just something off
"Maybe I'm just going crazy"
"Maybe" will said.

Y/ns POV*
I got home but winter wasn't whining to get let out of her kennel, in fact she wasn't even in her kennel  she was in the floor whimpering. I ran over to her dropping my stuff.
"Hey girl, your gonna be ok" she just kept on whimpering.
"Who would do this to you?"
Then I heard a light flip on, there sitting on my couch were my parents. My dad with the belt in his hand began to speak
"Now you really shouldn't disrespect us like that. We raised you when we hated you. You know how many times we wanted to leave you on the streets or just kill you!? But we didn't because we need a slave to clean everything! That's the only reason why we kept you!" He got up, and I backed up as much as I could before I hit the wall.
"Please don't kill me" I said in a whimpy voice with my hands covering my face.
"We're not gonna kill you, we're just gonna hurt you really really bad" and then the tournament began. I would get whipped with the belt, my mom would cut me, and when winter would try to get up to help me she would get kicked in the stomach. They did this for hours, even though it felt like days. Finally after four hours they stopped, I let out a cry that gave me the worst pain from the belt. My dad came really close grabbing my cheeks making me look at him even though it hurt to move or even open my eyes.
"You listen to me bitch, the next time you disrespect us this will be worse" he threw me to the ground and hit my head with a loud thud. They left without a word and slammed the door shut. When they were gone I cried so hard. Everything hurt, it was like my body was on fire. I went over to winter, and just hugged her. Then I got an idea, I rolled up my sleeve for Ryan's number, I quickly dialed it and after a few rings, Ryan picked up.
"Help me please" I said barely able to get my voice out.
"Y/n?! Are you ok?! I'm coming what's your address?!" I could tell that Ryan was panicking
"It's meme street, 420 the first building, and my apartment number is 69, please hurry"
"I'm coming y/n just hold on!" Then he hung up, I curled up in a ball hugging winter, praying that Ryan would hurry.

Ryan's POV*
I got a call from a number I didn't recognize, I decided to answer it even though it could have been spam
"Hello?" I was expecting the spam voice but it was y/n. She sounded  like she was in pain. I quickly got her address and I got a cap. Everyone else was asleep so I left a note saying that I was going to y/ns house. The drive was slow until I said I will pay you extra if he sped up. I got there in thirty minutes, I paid the driver and I ran up the stairs. I got to her apartment and I opened the door. I heard a dog growl at me but then I saw her. She had red marks everywhere and she was bleeding.
"Oh no, no, no, y/n?" She didn't respond, I checked her heart beat and luckily she was still alive probably just passed out. I looked at the dog, it looked like it didn't trust me. I held my hand out hopefully gaining its trust. It put its head in my hand
"I'm gonna take care of her I promise" the dog just laid back down and stopped growling. I took y/n in my arms taking her to the bathroom looking for something to treat the wounds with. I found some bandages and some ointment. I bandaged her up, and did the best I could, I took her shoes off and laid her in bed. I then went back to the dog, I touched where it's stomach is and it whimpered. I opened the fridge to find a hot dog, I split it up in pieces and added some Advil in it. I made the dog eat it hoping that it will help. I took the dog to y/ns room, putting the dog on the bed. I was about to leave when I heard her.
"Please stay" I stopped in my tracks, I looked at y/ns beautiful face. I couldn't leave so I took of my shoes and got in bed with her and her dog. She turned to face me, a smile was on her face. And the last words she said to me before she passed out again was "thank you" I just smiled and wrapped my arm around her trying my best not to hurt her, then falling asleep.

A:n that was a long chapter. But totally worth it, anyway y/ns parents are shits and Ryan is the best. I hope you guys are enjoying the story. And happy thanksgiving!!

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