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Ryan's POV*
I didn't know what to do, the person I love more then anything was dying in my arms. My mind couldn't think of anything to do but my body knew what to do. Before I knew it i was up and running towards the nearest hospital which thankfully wasn't that far.
"Y/n please hold on" her skin was starting to turn pale, I was losing her. I ran into the hospital
"NURSE!" Someone came up to me
"She's shot, please help her" she just nodded and took her away from me. I wiped the remaining tears and texted everyone what happened, dragon was going crazy. I told them to come to the hospital and they said they would be there soon. So I sat in the waiting room, hoping, praying that y/n will live.

Dragons POV*
I woke up by baz shaking me
"Five more minutes"
I immediately shot up, then I realized I was next to baz, I started blushing so hard.
"What's wrong with her?"
"She's been shot"
No, no, no, no!! She can't be shot! What if she's dead!! I can't lose her! She's my best friend! Holy shit! My breathing started picking up, and I tasted the salty tears. Shit I'm having a panic attack. I curled up in a ball, hugging my knees are tight as I can. I put my head down not wanting to face the youtuber next to me. Then I felt arms wrap around me, I slowly started to relax. They started to run their fingers through my hair.
"It's ok dragon, y/n will be fine I promise" I heard baz say. I got out of my ball and hugged him while crying into his shirt. Eventually I fell asleep right there.

Bazs POV*
Damn dragon is so cute. I think I like this girl, I mean we did kiss but it was like a peck. I shook my head, and picked up dragon and took her to the car. We all piled in, and we were off to the hospital, I hope Ryan didn't don't anything stupid.

Ryan's POV*
I was waiting, waiting, waiting. It felt like years but it was only five minutes. I kept waiting, then ten minutes later everyone came, dragon looked terrible, well that makes sense considering her best friend is in the hospital and could die. I hugged baz, and felt tears start to come down again.
"It's ok ryan, I bet she will be fine"
I looked at him in the face, I had hope but a little part of me thought she wasn't gonna make it.
"She's a strong person Ryan, don't give up on her." I just simply nodded, and sat down. Dragon sat next to me
"You know before I met her, I didn't have any friends. I was alone, well not alone I had my family but it wasn't the same as having a friend. Honestly I think if it wasn't for you guys we wouldn't have met. So thank you, and I know she'll make it" dragon then cuddled with baz. I thought about what she said. I wouldn't have met her if I didn't go. Crazy how life works. I went through all of our memories together and just smiled.

*time skip because the surgery took forever*

I couldn't sleep, I wouldn't until I knew that she was ok. Then a nurse walked in
"Y/n l/n?" I stood up
"Is she ok?" I asked, she looked down. Oh no, please no.
"They got the bullet out, and she's stable but we don't know if she will live. The bullet did a number on her" she's alive! SHES ALIVE!
"Which room is she in?"
"420 and two visitors at a time please" dragon then got up next to me, we went to the room and that's when I saw her. She had those nose things helping her breathe, an IV full of blood, and the heartbeat, the slow bump bump. But she was alive. That's all that mattered. I looked over at dragon, she looked like she was gonna cry. I slow walked toward y/n, I pulled up a chair and took her hand. Her eyes started to slowly open, she looked over to me
"R-Ryan?" Her voice was so soft.
"Hi y/n" I felt tears in my eyes, she smiled. Damn I love her smile
"How are you doing?" I asked her
"I'm tired, and my stomach hurts but other that I'm ok. How are you doing?"
"Oh you know scared shitless because of you" she laughed softly. She then looked at dragon. She smiled and dragon came and hugged her.
"I thought I lost you"
"You know me D, I like to be dramatic" dragon laughed through the tears
"Ryan I'm so tired" dragon got off her and she looked at me. She looked so pale, it broke my heart.
"You can sleep, I promise to still be here" I said smiling
"I love you so much"
"I love you more" she then turned away, and her hand went limp. Then I heard it. The flatline.

An: so this is the true ending but if you guys want me to make an alternate ending then please tell me and I will gladly write it. But other then that this is the end of the piano player. So thank you so much for reading and I will see you later! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

P.s. I hope I made you cry 😉

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