Part eleven

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Your POV*
It's been at least five months since I moved in with Ryan and baz. Life was going great but of course I found ways were I screwed up and when everyone was asleep I would go in the bathroom and cut on my thighs because now Ryan checks my arms. He thinks I'm doing great because I'm not cutting but he's wrong obviously, and I don't like lying to him! It's just so hard not to punish myself! But at least I'm doing better then I was before, I blocked my parents numbers so they can't call me anymore, I talk to dragon everyday, even though we live far away from each other. I was in some of Ryan's videos like Minecraft and try not to challenges. I'm really happy with him, until today....
I woke up to winter licking my face. I groaned and rolled over, then she jumped on me and Ryan.
"Alright we're up!" I said annoyed. I looked at ryan and he looked at me.
"Good morning handsome"
"Good morning my beautiful angel" I blushed, I loved it when he called me his angel.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, go wake up baz" I said getting up and getting in the shower. The hot water over my body full of scars felt amazing. After thirty minutes I got out putting my hair in a braid, putting on one of Ryan's shirts and some light blue pants. I walked downstairs to see Ryan cooking while baz was on his phone. I wrapped my arms around his waist, and just breathing him in.
"How was your shower?"
"It felt really nice"
"Good" he turned around to face me
"Is that my shirt?" I shrugged my shoulders, and then Ryan started tickling me
"N-n-no r-yan s-stop!"I said in between breaths
"What's the magic word?"
"P-please?" I said trying to breathe
"Nope!" I then realized that I was getting no where with this so I kissed his cheek and he immediately fell next to me on the floor.
"I'm so glad I know your weakness"
He turned to face me
"I'm so glad I know you" I smiled
"Me too"
"Ughhhhh get a room!" Baz yelled, we both looked at each other and just laughed. Ryan got up and then helped me up. I forgot to mention that Christmas was tomorrow and honestly I was excited. I got Ryan new headphones, a new microphone, and A heart bracelet with two half's of the heart. I had the other. I got dragon a Komodo dragon because I Knew how much she loved them. I got baz a new computer, for Lewis I got him a whole bunch of fnaf merch, I got Will bendy and the ink machine shit, I got razz a gift card to his favorite restaurant. I got winter a new bone and a sweater. I'm so weird but at least I'm not normal.
"So what are we doing today since it's Christmas Eve?" I asked Ryan
"Well we are gonna have a party here with everyone, and then I am taking you to dinner" I smiled so big but who was coming?
"Who's coming?"
"Your just gonna have to find out and the party starts at four and ends at seven" I looked at the time and it was almost two.
"What do you want to do?"
"Wanna watch the walking dead?"
"HELL YEAH" I immediately ran to the couch and got the remote, then Ryan jumped on me.
"Ryan!! I..can't...breathe!" He eventually got off and I was able to breathe.
"What about blankets?" I asked
"Your my blanket" he then cuddled next to me while we watched the walking dead. I would look away at the gore and scary parts but I really like the show, it was mine and Ryan's show. I started to fall asleep but I resisted the temptation until I let the darkness consume me.

Ryan's POV*
I looked over at y/n to see she was asleep, she looked so beautiful while she was asleep. I lightly kissed her head and slowly and carefully got up. I went upstairs to bazs room, and he was in there.
"Is she asleep?" He asked and I nodded. I opened his closet to get the gifts Im giving to y/n tomorrow. They haven't been wrapped so this was a perfect opportunity to wrap them.
"Baz go downstairs get the tape and wrapping paper, but be quiet" he nodded and then left. I looked at the four gifts I got her, I got a wii, some funko pops (if you don't know or like funkos then you are weird), games for the wii and lastly a beautiful red dress that I was gonna have her wear tonight at our date. Baz came back and we quickly wrapped all the gifts.

*time skip to the party*

Your POV*
I was ready for the party at exactly four and then guests started coming in. And let me tell you it was a lot of people, like mark and jack, steph and mat, Lewis and Billie, raz, Will, James, Adam, and jaiden. After I thought everyone was here there was a knock on the door. I opened it to see my best friend!
"Y/N!!" We gave each other hugs and I let her in
"How did you get here?"
"Ryan wanted to surprise you so he bought my ticket to come here" I looked at Ryan and he was looking back and I mouthed a thank you. He smiled at me
"So how's life?"
Dragon and me talked about things like how dragons boyfriend broke up with her, and how she has a job.
"Well there's a lot of guys here"
"Yeah but I don't kno-" then she just stopped talking. I looked to where she was looking and she was staring at baz
"Oooooohhhhhhh" I said
"Why don't you talk to him?" I asked and then dragon gave me a look
"Are you crazy?! What if he doesn't like me?! Or" but before she could finish I walked over to baz and lead him to where dragon
"Hey baz have you met dragon?" Dragon looked like she was gonna kill me, but I thought of it as a job well done. I left to go to the snack table when I felt arms around my waist.
"Guess who" I felt his stubble on my cheek and I smiled
"Hi Ryan" I turned around to face him
"May I have this dance?" Then the song Heres to never growing up came on. I took his hand and he lead me to the dance floor. We just danced our own way and laughed. Everyone else joined in and we all had fun. When the song ended I was out of breath and so was Ryan. Then a slow song came on, maybe I'm afraid by lovely the band. I put my arms around Ryan's neck and we just danced. Ryan sung the song and I soon joined him. We put our heads together and everyone who had a date danced to the music. Out of the corner of my eye I saw dragon dancing with baz. She winked at me and I smiled at her.
"You wanna know why I picked this song?" Ryan asked me
"Because I will always be there for you" he then kissed me, I didn't know it but the couples started kissing too, even baz and dragon. We broke apart, and we danced the rest of the party.

*time skip to the dinner*
Everyone started leaving except for the squad and dragon. Dragon was cuddled up next to baz, they were both asleep so I took a picture and it was so cute.
"I ship them" Ryan whispered to me
"Me too"
"I have something to show you" Ryan then got up and went to his room, I followed after him. When I walked in i saw him holding a present
"But it's not Christmas"
"I know but I wanted to give you something" he handed it to me and I ripped the wrapping paper to see a white box. I opened it to see a beautiful red dress. I had tears in my eyes
"Do you like it?" Ryan asked, I could tell he was nervous
"Ryan I absolutely love it!" I said putting it down and hugging him so hard that we fell on the floor. I was on his chest listening to his heartbeat, the bump bump always calmed me down. I looked at him and our lips touched. After a few minutes of being on the floor I got up and helped Ryan up too. I then went to the bathroom and got in the red dress. I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought I looked good but then my thoughts told me that I was an ugly fat slut. But I didn't listen to them. Nothing was gonna ruin my mood!

Ryan's POV*
I got dressed into a black suit with a red tie, I looked myself in the mirror and fixed my hair. Stupid hair I thought to myself but I was able to control it. I smiled to myself and then went downstairs
"Wow Ryan you look really good"
"Thanks Lewis" Lewis was the only one awake and he was playing with billies hair while watching Mona. I waited patently for y/n and that's when I saw her. Her hair was down and curly, she was wearing red high heels, and red lipstick. She looked stunning, I guess I had my mouth wide open because she started to laugh
"Y/n you look stunning"
"Thank you, you look so handsome" I laughed and took her hand. I opened the car door for her and we were off to dinner.

*time skip because nothing exciting happens*

Your POV*
Dinner was so delicious, and I could tell it was expensive but Ryan insisted on paying. I didn't want the night to end yet so I asked if we could walk around the city and Ryan said we could. I had my hand on Ryan's arm and we just walked through the city, looking at the beautiful lights. It was like a winter wonderland, it was like a dream until someone in a ski mask jumped in front of us and held a gun to us.
"Give everything you have!" He yelled and we did as he said.
"Now you girl take off your dress" I knew what was gonna happen. And so did Ryan
"No please don't! Please don't hurt her! Hurt me! Please!"
"Well since your begging I will" then everything went in slow motion. He shot the gun, the bullet was gonna go in Ryan's gut. I couldn't lose him
"No!!" I immediately jumped in front of him taking the bullet for myself, I fell to the ground while the guy ran away.
"NO! Y/N!" Ryan was right next to me cradling my head. Man a bullet hurts a lot. I looked at Ryan, he had tears sliding down his cheeks
"Why did you do that?!"
"People do crazy things when they're in love" I said smiling while salty tears went down my cheeks
"Y/n please don't leave me, I love you so much!" Ryan cried, I whipped his tears holding his cheek, Ryan took my hand while my other was on my wound. The bullet was in my stomach and i could feel the blood coming out.
"Ryan, I love you so much. Take care of winter for me" and with that I let the darkness consume me probably for the last time.

An: wow that is long, and sad. I wonder what will happen, will y/n die or will she live? Wait I know what's gonna happen 😂 but yeah this story is almost over with either two or one more chapter. So I hope you enjoyed and I will see you all later! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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