Part eight

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Your POV*
I woke up in a comfortable bed and a headache. What happened last night? I felt a arm around my waist, I looked over next to me to see Ryan fast asleep. I smiled as I moved his hair, trying my best not to wake him. I got closer and went back to sleep forgetting about the rest of the world.

Ryan's POV*
I woke up with y/n facing me, I could get used to waking up to her beautiful face. But then I realized that today I'm leaving, leaving to go back home. I need to do something before I leave, but I don't want to leave here with her horrible parents. What if she gets abused again, I will be half way across the world being completely helpless. I looked back at her, sleeping peacefully. I smile to myself, I just want to keep her in my arms and protect her from everything terrible. Then I got an idea, but I was gonna need help from the boys. I got up from the bed trying my best not to wake y/n, I got out the door closing it and seeing the all of the boys up except for baz that's snoring so loud. I roll my eyes and throw a pillow at him.
"Bloody hell!" Baz said as he sat straight up.
"Good morning sleeping beauty" I said being sarcastic.
"What time is it" Baz asked as he rubbed his eyes.
"11 in the morning" razz said not looking up from his phone.
"Guys!" I said loud enough to get their attention
"I need your help, as you all know we are going home tonight so I really want to do something with y/n before we leave, like an ultimate date or something"
"She's definitely the one mate" will said, I felt my cheeks heat up. We all huddled together and came up with a plan.

Your POV*
I woke up, disappointed to see that Ryan was gone. I looked at my clothes and they were so dirty with different kind of stains, that I have no idea where they came from. I get out of bed and I see a note on top of a pile of clothes. The note said
"Dear y/n, I noticed that your clothes looked terrible so you can borrow mine, also you can use the shower. After all of that come to the lobby, there's a surprise waiting for you
Love Ryan"
I looked at the clothes and it was Ryan's long sleeved vans shirt, that he would wear in videos. Underneath there was a pair of light blue pants. I took them, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As I was taking a shower I got flashbacks of last night. I was wasted, I asked Ryan to dance, then just the way you are came on and we kissed. I kissed him! I kissed Ryan!! Holy shit! I almost slipped because I was backing into the wall. That was all I could remember from last night, and it was enough. I finished my shower and I looked in the mirror, then my arms. Why did I kiss him? He probably doesn't even like me back, he probably just feels bad. I really wanted to cut myself because why would ryan ever like me? I looked around for something sharp, like a razor, or a piece of glass. But I didn't find anything, I looked back in the mirror seeing my ugly self. I just sighed and put on the clothes that Ryan gave me. As soon as the shirt came on, it smelled so nice, reminding me of Ryan, I began to relax immediately. I get out of the master bedroom and see that everyone left leaving me alone. I put my converse on and go down to the lobby, there at the lobby was will, in a fancy tux.
"This way ma'am" will lead me outside to a limo
"Holy shit" I whispered under my breath. Will opened the door motioning me to go in, so I do. Will gets in and starts driving
"Will where are you taking me?"
"I can't answer that ma'am but please enjoy some music" will turned on the radio, and I listened to the songs quietly singing them. Will stopped to a place I didn't recognize.
"Will where are we?"
"Why don't you go in and see for yourself?" I just shrugged my shoulders and went in. I went in to see a small pizza joint, and I saw Ryan sitting at a table. We locked eyes and I smiled. He walked up to me
"My lady" I held on to his arm as he took me to the table. He pulled out my chair and once I was in he went to his chair and sat down.
"No let me go first, I want to spend the rest of the day with you before I leave, so please don't worry about anything ok?" I was honestly surprised, he wanted to spend his last day in Seattle with me.
"Ryan, I honestly have no idea what to say"
"You don't have to say anything, I'm happy when I'm with you, even if it's just silence" he smiled and I started to blush again. A waiter came, took our orders and went back into the kitchen.
"So y/n" I turned to look at Ryan
"What's your favorite movie?"
"That's a good question but I would go with f/m (favorite movie) what about you?"
"I would say the evil dead" Ryan said
"Really? I haven't seen that movie"
"Are you kidding?! I love that movie! We need to watch it"
"W-we?" I stuttered
"Yeah I'm not gonna let you watch the greatest movie of all time without me" he laughed and I joined in. We kept talking about our favorite things, until the pizza came. I got f/p (favorite pizza) while Ryan got pepperoni. After we ate, Ryan paid leaving a tip, and he took my hand leading us to the limo. I blushed when he took my hand. I was excepting will to be the driver but it was baz.
"Well hello love birds" he said with a smirk
"Where to?"
"The movie theater"
"Going to the movie theater!" Baz said as he started to drive away
"What movie are we seeing?" I asked Ryan
"More like what movies are we seeing and it's a secret" he smiled, freaking when he smiles my heart just bursts. The drive to the movie theater wasn't that long, we got there and went up to a ticket booth.
"Hi we would like two tickets to the 1:55 showing of IT please" Ryan pulled out his card but I realized it wasn't his it was bazs.
"Here you go, enjoy the movie" I cashier said in a monotone voice.
"We are seeing IT?"
"Yeah! And after that we are seeing the second chapter, why did you not want to see it?" (Hehehe see what I did there?)
"No I want to see it, I just didn't know you could read my mind" I actually did want to see the movie and I was happy I was watching it with Ryan, but I don't want him spending all of this money on me. I'm not worth it.
"Hey what's wrong?" Ryan asked as he got the popcorn
"I just don't think I'm worth all of this Ryan" i looked into his beautiful chocolate brown eyes
"Y/n you are worth all of this and so much more" he kissed my forehead and took my hand, he got into the theater and watched the movie. 

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