Part seven

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Your POV*
I woke up next to a ball of warmth. At first I thought it was winter but when I opened my eyes I saw it was Ryan. I was so surprised that I fell off my bed and down to the floor.
"Ow" I groaned, why did everything hurt?
"Are you ok?" I looked at my bed and I saw Ryan with messy hair, shit he's so hot.
"Yeah I'm fine it's just that everything hurts" I said trying to get up but failing
"Here let me help you" Ryan said holding out his hand, I took it and in one quick motion I was up again.
"Ow, shit" I said laying back down on the bed.
"What happened last night?" I asked Ryan who was sitting next to me.
"You don't remember?" I shook my head no
"Well you called me and I came as quick as I could, on the phone it sounded like you were in pain, and when I came you were passed out and your dog looked hurt too. I took care of you first then your dog and before I left you asked me to stay so I did." I started blushing after he said I asked him to stay, He was blushing too.
"So what happened to you after you got home?"
"Well I got home and winter was on the floor whimpering, then I saw..." did I really want to tell him that my parents abused me?
"My parents and my dad whipped me while my mom cut me, saying I was worthless. They left and I guess I passed out" I said with my eyes watering. I looked up at Ryan and he had tears in his eyes. Then without warning he hugged me. The way his strong arms embraced me felt like heaven. Is this what love feels like?
"I'm so sorry y/n" I heard Ryan say softly
"It's not your fault, my parents just hate me but screw them" I said as Ryan let go of me. We just stared into each other's eyes for a few seconds, I really wanted to kiss him, but he broke the trance.
"I should probably head back to the hotel and get packing, we are leaving tomorrow so" Ryan's sadly said.
"Well maybe I can give you guys a tour of Seattle before you leave" I suggested
"I would love that! Let's get the guys and then we can go" Ryan said like a giddy little kid. I smiled to myself, winter than jumped on him
"Well you look a lot better today, what's it's name?" Ryan asked me
"Her name is winter" I said smiling
"Winter is a pretty name, how long have you had her?"
"Ever since she was a puppy, I found her in a box in a alley, ever since then she has been my best friend" I said going to pet her
"Wow, I'm happy you had her"
"Me too, anyway let's get the boys" I put winter in her kennel and then grabbed my keys to my car. Ryan opened the door for me like a gentleman. We get in the car and it was just silence, until I turned on the radio. I would quietly sing the words, obviously Ryan noticed because he started to sing too. We both sang together and when the song ended I just laughed. I looked at Ryan and he was blushing.
"You know, you sound really good"
"R-really?" Ryan stuttered, damn he's so cute
"Yeah maybe we should make a band" I said laughing
"Do you know how to play different instruments?"
"Yeah! I play piano which you obviously knew, trumpet, drums, and guitar"
"Wow, I only know how to play the drums"
"I know your really good at it" I didn't realize what I said until after I said it, I then start to turn really red.
"Y-you watch my videos?"
"Y-yeah, one of the reasons I haven't killed myself yet" shit why did I say that?! He's probably gonna think I'm a crazy fan or that I'm just a girl who wants attention.
"I'm one of the reasons your not dead?" Ryan asked with surprise in his voice
"Y-yeah" that was all I could say
"Well I'm happy your still here, it else I wouldn't have met you" Ryan's and my eyes met, we were both blushing so hard, but it was a nice moment. We didn't say anything after that until we got to the hotel. We went to the room and we walked in to the boys having a pillow fight. Currently Lewis was winning until razz knocked him down.
"You guys are such children" I heard Ryan say
"Baz started it" will said while still on the ground
"Whatever get dressed we are going out"
"Where?" Razz said before he got hit with a pillow
"We are just going sightseeing because y/n wanted to see you guys before we all leave"
"Y/n and Ryan sitting in a tree" baz started and the rest of the boys joined in.
"Alright that's it" Ryan grabbed a pillow and started to hit them left and right. I decided to join in, back to back with Ryan, Hitting the boys with pillows as hard as me can. We got hit a couple of times but in the end we won. We high-fived each other and then all the boys left to go get ready. I was left alone, I looked at my arms and legs, I saw what my parents caused and I felt tears in my eyes.
"Y/n you read-" Ryan saw me and rushed over to hug me. I embraced him and just cried in his shirt feeling bad that I was messing it up. Ryan whispered in my ear sweet comforting words.
"I-I-I don't want to be here a-anymore" I said in between sobs
"Don't say that" Ryan whispered in my ear
"I-I don't want to b-be a-alive, I just want to s-stop hurting" I gasped for air.
"I know y/n, if I could I would take all of your pain away" after a few minutes my sobs became gasps of air, Ryan looked me in the eyes
"Are you ok?" I just simply nodded, I looked over and saw the boys.
"Ryan and y/n kissing in a tree" baz whispered loud enough for us to hear, I just rolled my eyes and Ryan threw a pillow at him, baz just laughed
"Are you two lovebirds just gonna sit there or are we gonna go? I'm starving" Lewis said exaggerating.
"Yeah let's go" Ryan helped me off the bed and we all got in my car, we had a enough room because of plot reasons. We went to McDonald's and we all got food.
"Alright everyone give me your credit cards, I promise that I won't steal them." Everyone handed me their cards and I asked the cashier to choose one and she chose wills
"Damnit!!" Will exclaimed in the back of the car, we all laughed and ate our food. We all sang songs until we got to the space needle. We took the elevator to the top and we all looked over Seattle, the boys took pictures together but I was with Ryan just looking over the city.
"Beautiful isn't it?" I could feel Ryan's eyes on me.
"Yeah it really is" I looked at him, I leaned in ready to kiss him,
"Guys let's go!" I heard razz say, I put my head down, blushing like crazy, and regretting what almost happened. I could hear Ryan calling my name but I just ignored it. We were silent the entire car ride except for the boys is the back. I knew Ryan wanted to say something but said nothing in the end. Since it was almost 6 I took everyone to my favorite club. Yes I have a favorite club, yes I drink, yes I actually go out.
"We're here!" I said and everyone got out, everyone got in and I immediately went to the bar.
"Get me your strongest whiskey please" the bartender nodded and got me a shot glass.
"Leave the bottle" he left the bottle and after my fifth shot I felt drunk. I saw Ryan sitting alone, I went up to him.
"Heyyyyy Ryan" I slurred
"Are you drunk?" He asked
"That doesn't matter let's dance!" I took his hand and he followed me to the dance floor.
"Y/n I can't dance" he said
"It's easy just sway your hips to the music then just move your arms around" he did as I told him and then he got into it. The boys joined us and we all were having fun. Until the slow song came on, baz gave Ryan a thumbs up while leading the boys to go sit down.
"May I have this dance?" Ryan asked holding out his hand. I took it and swayed my hips to the song

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