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"Kira-Chan!" The voice of  Mitsuri made me smile as I ran up to her to hug her "We're all glad your back!", Shinobu then came towards up "Kira-Chan!  , sorry for not recognizing you the past days during the battle! Your skin were different, and you had those marks on your face! But I fixed it! Gomenasai!" I chuckled at the apology and forgave her, it's not her fault she didn't recognize me.

"Let's go!" Mitsuri offered

"Let's celebrate your return, there's a new member, he's the youngest here. Well, he's 4 years younger than you, he's a mist hashira"

I smiled and they lead me to where the others were.

Kyoujoru and Sanemi are talking, I assume the new member's the one looking up the sky, Obanai is resting on a tree branch

"Hey! Everyone! Kira's back!" Once Shinobu and Mitsuri shouted their attention all turned to me.

"H-hi" I smiled slightly and gave a wave

"Kira!" Obanai jump from the tree branches to run to me and embrace me

I giggled at his actions

"Hello, I missed you all" I hugged back

Shinobu and Mitsuri gave him a weird look. Obanai noticed this and that's why he pulled away with his face all red

"How are you feeling? Kira" Sanemi asked

"I'm feeling well, but not the fact that I'm a demon"

"Don't worry! We won't behead you!" Kyojoru said with confidence

"Eh? Ah, hahaha.." Yes,  I'm scared of dying but here I am, in this job where we fight demons.

"Rengoku! Don't scare her! Of course we won't do that!" Shinobu scolded making me feel better.

"Hi" the new member  said as he stare at me with his sleepy eyes, he had mint eyes

"Have you been getting good sleep? It's very important to a young boy like you" He hesitantly nodded

I smiled and patted his head.

"Let's have a drink for kira's return!" Tengen called as he appears out of nowhere

"Yes! But don't include Muichiro, he's only 14" Gyo Mei replied.

"Four.. teen?.. ah.. right, four years younger than me.." I became a hashira when I got that mission.. yes I was 16 that time, this kid is really strong

"Let's go to my house" I smiled hoping they'll accept my offer

"You mean you and Giyuu's house" Uzui added


"Okay! Let's go! Obanai, kyoujoru, please grab some drinks, thank you!" Mitsuri said as we went to the water estate.

I opened the door to find giyuu gone

"Giyuu-kun?" I called as I got in and so did the others

"Giyuu-kun?" No response, I sighed and prepared the table for the celebration they held with the help of the others.

"To add some fun! Let's play some games!" Mitsuri suggested

"That's great!" Shinobu said and the others agreed as well

"Kira" Kyoujoru called


"Do you like someone?" What does he mean?

"Huh? Well, I like you all, as my friend and a family at the same time"

They went quiet and bursted laughing

"N-nani?, what does your question suppose to mean?" I asked cause I'm confused

"He means if you somewhat like love someone" Muichiro refrained

"Uh.." I'm dumbfounded and caught off guard which made them laugh

"Well.. I don't know" I answer "He's close to me, but I don't think that person will like me back" I flashed a smiled "it seems that Obanai and Uzui are near, they opened a bottle on the way" I giggle as I stand up and opened the door for them.

Uzui's half drunk already while Obanai's still fine

"Your a strong drinker, are you?" I smiled

He nodded and got in a rend placed dozens of drinks one the table, along side with rice balls

"Muichiro, if you want to sleep you can in my room" I smiled warm heartedly "You seem to need it, I'll lead you"

-short time skip-

"If you need anything, just ask me, don't hesitate" I smiled once again as I pat his head

"Why are so nice?"

"I once had a younger brother, well, they're not my true family but they made me feel I'm part of them... they were killed by demons and the eldest brother of ours became a demon but now, I think he's dead" I smiled masking my sadness

"Sleep now" I held his face and stand up and left the room and went back, but Before I could I felt a hand pull my wrist. I turn and to see Giyuu

"Giyuu-kun!" His aura is abit.. strange

"Are you okay? You don't seem to be alright.. do you want to join us?"

He looked away before he nodded, I hold his hand and we both went back

"Kira chan!" Obanai drunkly called

He stand up and pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me, his snake slithered to me  away from him.

"I think I was mistaken, your not a strong drinker after all"

Then he went on babbling on how he likes this certain girl and gave a very obvious clue until he said the name

"I like Kira Itsumi, Mitsuri! How can Kira like me back!" He cried after that, the others that were still awake went silent, including Mitsuri.

I decided to play along

"Obanai-Kun!, tell her the truth!, if she doesn't like you back, that's fine" I covered my mouth to hold back my laugher, still the scent from giyuu as I glance at him from time to time didn't change.

I hear soft snores, I turned to Obanai and he's asleep, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Kira! Truth or Dare!" Kyojuro challenged

I smirked and picked dare

"Hmm, Obanai seem to be having a hard time in that position, let him lay his head on your lap"

"Eh?" I looked at Obanai's cute sleeping face. I smiled and gently adjusted my seat position and layed his head on my lap.

"I did you dare" I smirked "Shinobu truth or dare?" She picked dare and I told her to hug everyone in the room, only the ones that are still awake. She skipped Giyuu and continued to me.

"You haven't hug giyuu" I looked at her. "Oh? He doesn't like hugs" ...

"Oh..." then why did he hug me awhile ago

"C'mon, do the challenge--" Obanai Shifted and snuggled and wrapped his arms around my waist.


"C'mon do the-- giyuu?" I looked around

"He left, I did your dare though, it's late I better get going" Shinobu smiled, "We'll be going" Shinobu helped Mitsuri walk, she got Half drunk but still, it was still enough for her to be dizzy.

I didn't drink, since I'm still 18 and I'm not a strong drinker.

"I wonder what's up with Giyuu"

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