Johnny Imagine

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You were walking to the seats at the drive-in, frustrated and upset. Your boyfriend had left you to go get a drink and when he didn't come back after a few minutes. You went to check on him and found him hooking up with some girl. He tried to talk to you but you flipped him off and walked away, ending the relationship.

Now you were sitting about a row down from a large group of greasers. You weren't a Soc, so you didn't have to worry about sitting near them. Eventually, the movie ended and you stood up to leave. You left and walked down the sidewalk in the moon light. You looked behind you and saw the group of greasers you had sat in front of not too far behind you. You picked up your pace a little, but not to much, but not because you were running from them, but because you saw your now ex-boyfriend, coming your way.

You turned a corner and were grabbed by your ex. You pulled away and backed up, not wanting to be near him.

"Come on baby"

He moved closer

"NO! Get away from me"

He charged at you and grabbed your wrists. You kicked and yelled for someone to help you. People just walked by, staring at you. But then you felt someone place a hand on your shoulder, and heard the sound of blades. Your ex-boyfriend had let go of you and stared. You turned around and saw a boy looking at you. You knew him from school, he had almost every class with you and you guys were good friends.


He smiled at you and kept his hand on your shoulder. The other greasers were approaching your ex who was now shaking, he turned and ran down the block. You laughed a little as you heard one of them yell,


They all turned and looked at you,

"T-thank you guys, I'll um...see you at school next week Pony"

You turned and walked off in the opposite direction you had wanted to go. You weren't about to go home after this, you had another place to stay anyway.

Ponyboy's POV~

"Who was she Pony?"

Soda asked as we all walked back to our house.

"She's a friend, from school, her name's Y/N"

"She sure is cute"

I heard Johnny whisper under his breath. Only I had heard him, I smirked at him and his face turned red. We reached the house, and all got ready for bed.

~The next morning~

I was up earlier than usual, so I watched the sun rise from my front porch, even Darry wasn't up yet. I stayed out there for a few moments before going back inside, I was already dressed so I just went straight to the kitchen.

Y/N's POV~

I walked outside, the crisp morning air hit me as the trees moved. I left the place I stayed, dreading the idea of going home. I decided to just stay out for bit, go back to where I was later on.

It was now around noon when I had gone to the DX. I walked in and searched the ideas, grabbing gum and a water (or whatever drink you would like). I placed in on the counter and was greeted with a charming smile,

"25 cents- Oh hey, you're the one we helped yesterday? Y/n right?"

You placed the money in front of him and nodded

"I don't recall telling you my name Soda"

"Pony told us"

I laughed a little and grabbed my things.

"I'll see you guys around?"

He nodded and I left the DX. As I was walking I turned the corner and bumped into someone, sending us both to the ground, great

A/N-Part 2 coming later

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now