Gone pt.3~Dallas Winston

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~9 months later~


"I see the head! You're almost there!"

"Congratulations, it's a boy"

They took the baby to clean him off, I rested my head against the pillow and sighed deeply, it was hard being in the room alone. I heard a baby crying, my baby. They brought him in and handed him to me. Tears filled my eyes and I saw my baby boy in my arms. At times like this, I wish Dallas was here. He came out to be 7 pounds, 5 ounces.

"There's some people here to see you Ms.Y/L/N"

"Let them in"

The gang filled the room, their eyes all landed on the baby in my arms. If you ever wanna see a tuff gang of greasers go soft, show them a baby that belongs in their family and bam. Their soft.

"What's his name?"

Steve asked as he studied him

I looked down at the baby, smiling slightly.

"Johnny....Johnny Tucker Winston"

They smiled at me and found seats around the room to sit. Darry looked at him, before looking at me.

"Do you wanna hold him?"

I asked softly, Darry nodded slightly and reached over. I handed him to Darry and rested against the pillows again. They passed him around, gently of course, Pony was the last to get him, but he was okay with that. He sat next to me as he held him, making sure he was holding him right.

"I'll just say what we're all thinking, he looks just like Dal"

Two-Bit said, everyone looked at him and nodded.

"And I'm glad that's true, I'll have Dal with me always now"

"Just wait till he gets older, you better hope he doesn't have the game of his father"

Steve said laughing

"Could you imagine? 'Hey I think you're pretty cute, wanna go talk upstairs'"

The guys laughed hard and I shot them looks.

"That's what he said to me idiots! Only I shut down the idea of what he wanted to do"

That made them laugh harder, but they all shut up when Johnny started crying. Ponyboy handed him back to me and I rocked him. He calmed down, and fell asleep.

~Now: 4 months after the birth~

Darry let me move in with them, I stayed in the room Dally had there, I changed it up, making enough room for me and the baby. My single bed on one side with my dresser and closet. The baby's crib across from me, all the toys and such scattered. There were bins for toys in my room and the living room. The kitchen didn't change, just safety guards on sharp objects, Darry was happy about that because he had an excuse to use them so the older boys wouldn't hurt themselves either, and a highchair. There was lots of changes, but the guys were all the same, but they knew how to help with the baby. I ended up getting a job at the DX so I could make money and help around the house since I was living there. I was in my room now, getting changed into my uniform. It was a clear, sunny, Saturday morning, but I had work with Steve and Soda. I picked Johnny up out of his crib and walked to the kitchen, making coffee for myself and the others. I poured myself a cup and did my best to drink it without spilling. It wasn't exactly easy to drink hot coffee with a baby in your arms.

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