Ol' Blue Eyes~Sodapop

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What was it like to be the sister of the biggest Mickey lover in town? That was a question only I had the answer too....

That's right, my name is Y/N Mathews. I'm 16 years old, Keith- Well Two-Bit is only two years older, but we all know I'm more mature. 

"Y/n! Let's go" 

I slid my arms through my leather jacket, I'm not super tuff, but also not super soft. I walked down the stairs to find Two-Bit already in the car. I quickly climbed in and pulled on my seat belt as he took off. We were on our way to the Curtis's house to meet with everyone. We all pitched in to take Darry out to eat in honor of him getting a promotion at work.

"You could've worn the dress I picked"

"Two, I'm not wearing that super long sweater dress!"

He rolled his eyes and rolled to a stoplight. Eventually, we reached the house and went inside to find everyone ready expect the Curtis brothers and Steve. Two-Bit sat down on the couch and talked to Dally while I went to the kitchen. Johnny was watching TV. In the kitchen, Soda and Pony were trying to tie each other's ties, which made me laugh loudly.

"Need some help?"


I walked over to Ponyboy first and fixed his tie, then went to Soda. When I was done, Ponyboy left the kitchen leaving it to be just me and Soda. You sat across from him and gazed into his eyes. Those blue eyes were so enhancing. You didn't know how long you had been staring at him, but clearly it was a while because Two-Bit was snapping his fingers in your face.

"What are you day dreaming about kid?"

Dally asked as he walked into the kitchen and leaned on the door frame.


You got up and started to follow the gang out of the house, but stopped and looked back at Soda who was placing a toothpick into his mouth and fixing his shirt. You blushed and quickly walked out the door.


~After eating~

The cool wind blew pasted us, blowing my hair widely as we walked down the streets of Tusla. Two was walking ahead with Pony and Steve, leaving me, Darry, Soda, Johnny, and Dally behind. I shivered and pulled my jacket around me tighter, thankfully no one seemed to really notice. We reached the Curtis house and the guys started to go inside.

"Two-Bit? Are you staying or going home?"

I asked as he started to go up the stairs

"I'm gonna stay here...you should too, I don't want something to happen to you"

"I'll come by in the morning and go home now, don't worry"

I turned around and started to walk, yelling bye over my shoulder. I wasn't even across the street when I heard someone's shoes hit the pavement. I quickly turned around saw Soda standing behind me, a blade in his hand.

"I figured I'd make sure you get home safe"

He smiled and walked with me. When we reached my house, it was already nine o'clock. I looked up at Soda, and noticed how bright his eyes shone in the moonlight. His blue eyed were pretty in the day, but beautiful at night.

"T-thanks Soda...But you should head back"

"Y-yea..hey, can I tell you something?"

I nodded and sat down on the stairs, patting the spot next to me for him to sit. He did, and then turned to me.

"I, really like you Y/n, and I know you may not but I just had to say it"

"I like you to Soda..a lot"

I felt my face grow warm and looked away to hide my blush. But he placed his fingers underneath my chin, turning my face to his once more. My heart pounded in my chest as I saw just how close his face was to mine. His bright, blue eyes, stared into my plain, warm hazel ones. (You can change the color of your eyes) He leaned towards me, our lips inches apart. I slowly started to close my eyes before quickly opening them and jumping away. I was startled by a loud noise. We turned towards the street and saw Two-Bit in Darry's truck, one hand hanging out of the window, the other on the horn.

"When I said walk her home, I didn't mean to try to kiss her!"


I groaned

"Stop playing games and kiss the blue eyed man already Y/n! That way he can go home!"

I rolled my eyes and turned to Soda before burying my face into his shoulder. He chuckled and kissed my head before bring my face to his and pecking my lips.

"Night beautiful"

"Goodnight, ol' blue eyes"

Word Count: 816

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