⇸ five.

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they began with the new chapter of kwon soonyoung's life.

of course, it wouldn't be much of an easy start, but it still had to begin.

they started by unpacking his things and making the extra room his since no one used it and gave him plenty of things to make sure it felt like his own. to make sure it felt like his home, a safe place for him to be. he even had a desk to put his computer and recording items for songs and music.

he placed a kiss on top of the rabbit's head and smiled. "i'll make sure to take care of you well again, love." and placed it in the middle of the pillows. with that, he was completely finished.

his room consisted of a nice queen-sized bed with two big, fluffy pillows and a decorative pillow with a tiger on it, and next to it sat his stuffed rabbit. on the nightstand, there was a lamp and his phone, which was charging, along with a photo of him and his mother. in the shelf were his diary and a photobook. it was nice and clean, something soonyoung liked. on his shelves, he had his hygiene and skincare products, from lip balms to lotions to face masks. on the rest, he had all his knick-knacks from adventures he's been on. next to it was a big, body mirror, and right next to it was the desk for his laptop and other electronics. his display consisted of his laptop, speakers on each side, a small piano, and a microphone and headphones. it was small but durable. and lastly, the closet had all of his clothing and the suitcase was placed on the top of the shelf, along with a few pairs of shoes.

soonyoung sat down on the fresh sheets that were on his new bed and sighed. he couldn't help but smile. finally, he felt free. it was such a refreshing feeling. he even opened the window and let in some fresh air, and seokmin came in.

"are you feeling better now, hyung?" he asked, closing the door and admiring his room. "wow, this is a lot nicer than i expected." a small laugh escaped his lips, getting the return from soonyoung.

"oh shut up, you know i'm a clean person. but yes, i am, thank you." he turned around and smiled. "do you wanna go to the cafe again and work on our duet now?"

"absolutely! let's do it!" seokmin smiled and went to the door, "let me get my shoes and a jacket and we can go."

they both collected what they needed and headed out to the cafe. this time, the sun was setting and it pictured a beautiful sky. it felt so unreal, even the sky was happy now. he could see the stars beginning to show up and sparkling brightly, putting a smile on his face. being with seokmin, the one who helped him the most, made him smile even brighter. seokmin had noticed, his eyes were glistening and he looked so genuine, it only made seokmin happier as well.

they went into the cafe and chose a table to sit at, a table for four with two chairs on one side and two on the other, but they both sat on the same side to work more efficiently. with that, soonyoung noticed that mingyu was here too, and decided to say it to seokmin.

"look, that cute guy is still here. should i go order coffee for us? do you want anything?" soonyoung pointed over to the counter, where mingyu was happily serving a young lady.

"sure, i'll take a chocolate cake pop and a latte please. his name is mingyu, by the way. he's my friend," he told soonyoung as he got up, but quickly had a lightbulb pop up in his head.

"actually nevermind, i'll get it for us. what do you want?"

"an espresso, please." soonyoung smiled and seokmin nodded, going over to the line. he had an idea.

he was going to order their items and tell mingyu about what soonyoung said, and then have him come over and talk to them when he got off. it was currently 7:30, but he didn't get off until 9:00, yet seokmin knew they would be there until around then anyway so it wasn't too much of a hassle. then, he could possibly hook both of them up.

since he was daydreaming, he ended up getting to the front of the line before he realized it and felt a flick on the forehead.

"hey!" mingyu said, finally shaking out seokmin. "what's up?"

"oh hey," seokmin laughed, "nothing much, you?"

"nope, just working." mingyu looked behind to see no one else in the line, "first, take your order. what would you like?"

"two chocolate cake pops, an espresso, and a latte please." he smiled and watched mingyu place the order.

"all for yourself? jeez, fatty." mingyu joked, making seokmin laugh.

"no! it's for my friend too, idiot." he pointed to where soonyoung was sitting, watching something on his computer. then mingyu froze, staring over at him. "oh hey, weren't you with him earlier? i saw him crying, is he okay?"

"oh yeah, i'll explain later. you should talk to him, he thinks you're cute. he was talking about how handsome you were and how nice you seemed, so much better than his now ex." he said, but immediately his eyes widened. why did he say so much? hopefully, soonyoung wouldn't get mad, because he really hates people spreading his business like that.

"oh, it's wonwoo's boyfriend, right?" mingyu asked.

"well, now his ex-boyfriend. they broke up and now he lives with me." seokmin answered.

"oh, well he is cute. i can see why he would keep me away, just look at him." mingyu smiled, and seokmin turned to see soonyoung's hands squished onto his cheeks, making them puff out. he was glaring at the screen but had a huge smile on his face. "anyways, let me get names for the cups."

"soonyoung for the espresso and seokmin for the latte."

"alright, they'll be done soon." mingyu smiled and seokmin went to wait since there were customers in line now, but mingyu had switched to help make drinks since they were backed up.

he watched as mingyu made their drinks, and writing the names on the cups. he watched him write, but he took a lot longer on the one cup. what was he doing?

when he received the cups, mingyu said, "here's your order." with a wink, he simply walked away and continued without looking back.

of course, it had mingyu's number on the cup with soonyoung's espresso, even with a heart next to it. this is gonna be great.

he handed soonyoung his drink and took a sip of his own, smiling at the taste of his favourite coffee. he looked over to see soonyoung literally shocked.

"oh my god... is this mingyu's number?" soonyoung asked, and looked over to see mingyu watching the two. he gave off a small smile and continued to work, making soonyoung blush.

"oh my gosh!!!! he's so cute! what the hell, i'm going crazy." soonyoung laughed and took out his phone to take a picture. "i'm definitely keeping this cup. anyway, let's get to work."


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