⇸ fourteen.

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"please leave a message after the beep."

a loud bang could be heard from the inside of wonwoo's apartment. his cries, however, were silent. he felt himself slowly breaking, the feeling of being this vulnerable was so off to him, he couldn't help but feel so lost.

the past few days, no answer. he couldn't even bring up an answer as to why he was even trying to contact soonyoung. he couldn't understand the feeling that was in his heart. what was he doing with his life?

that girl he had hooked up with found out everything and ditched him, wanting nothing to do with him. nobody wanted anything to do with him now that he had been exposed. who was going to forgive him now?

certainly not soonyoung.

but with his determination and manipulation, wonwoo was sure to try and convince him to come back. if he already did it once, he can surely do it again.


"soonyoung, i'm sorry."

"how could you be sorry after trying to beat me up, again?!" the word again soonyoung made sure to emphasize broke into wonwoo's ears. "do you not realize that saying 'sorry' isn't going to cut it?"

"what do you want me to say? you should know me by now. i can't control myself, and i love you. i don't mean absolutely any of it. i wanna promise you that i'll never do it again." wonwoo was crying, a sight soonyoung hadn't seen in ages.

it made soonyoung feel so bad for not believing him, but he didn't want to believe him. he knew that wonwoo was lying and that he should just back out now while he could, but it was really hard to soonyoung to actually take those words into actions.


soonyoung looked up to see wonwoo holding out his pinky, staring into his eyes.

with hesitation, soonyoung decided to wrap their pinkies together and sigh. "i promise."

"i promise." soonyoung's voice was shaky but held throughout the time he spoke.

soonyoung already knew he was going to break that promise, but he still couldn't help but cry when he finally did just a few days later.


soonyoung woke up in a daze, confused as to where he was. he looked to see mingyu peacefully snoring beside him. all the memories were flooding back into his head, making him smile. he touched his lips, remembering how mingyu's felt on his own.

he sat up and looked around. they were sleeping in his truck, still sitting atop of the cliff they were stargazing on last night.

soonyoung's head was pounding from the alcohol, causing him to groan from the pain. he laid back down and rolled over to the mingyu, nesting his head in mingyu's neck. he was warm, and apparently he was awake too.

mingyu's hand roamed to soonyoung's head as he ran his fingers through the elder's hair. he looked down to see his eyes closed and was humming quietly.

he laid down on his back, letting soonyoung lay his head on his chest and look up at mingyu.

"good morning," mingyu's morning voice was deep and raspy, making soonyoung smile at how sexy it sounded to him. his normal voice was perfect, but his morning one was even better.

"good morning." soonyoung smiled and hugged him tightly, not wanting to get up. he knew that the other four were probably so confused as to why they weren't back then.

mingyu checked the time on his phone to see it was 11:43 am. with a groan, he sat up and smiled softly at soonyoung.

"well, we should probably get going. i'm sure the others probably thought we died by now. let me text jeonghan hyung real quick."

soonyoung just hummed in response, his head resting on mingyu's shoulder as he watched him type out the message. then mingyu put his phone away, putting his arm around soonyoung's shoulders.

"ready to go?" he asked, laughing as soonyoung just groaned.

"no, i wanna cuddle." he pushed mingyu down and laid on top of him, hugging him and not letting him move.

"okay, fine." he laughed more, rubbing the blonde's back and humming to himself. they finally woke up and began to talk more, finally deciding to leave.

on the drive home, soonyoung still couldn't get his eyes off of mingyu. yet this time, mingyu gave him more attention and held soonyoung's hand as they drove into town.

when they arrived back, soonyoung got out and decided just to walk to the other side of the truck where mingyu was sitting.

"thank you again, gyu. i really enjoyed it." soonyoung smiled and grabbed his hands again, swinging them around slightly.

mingyu enjoyed the nickname, smiling at the elder.

"anytime." he smiled, "i'll see you soon, okay? let's go out again, or you should come to visit me at the cafe."

"i sure will tomorrow." soonyoung smiled and mingyu nodded in an agreement. soonyoung hugged him tightly, not wanting to let him go again. hugging him felt like everything was going to be okay and that nothing will ever happen to him.

he lifted his head to see mingyu staring up at him with such a gaze that made soonyoung's stomach do flips. this time, he decided to be the man and kiss him.

mingyu felt like he was in a daze as he watched soonyoung finally leave and close the door behind him, shooting mingyu finger hearts before closing it. he had to stop and make sure he was in reality before driving back to his place.

the happiness that radiated off of him couldn't be resisted from anyone. being this happy with another person was a feeling the male never thought he was going to be able to experience, but thankful he got to. the whole drive home he had a smile on his face, soonyoung being the only thing on his mind.

however, that just wasn't it for soonyoung.


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