⇸ nine.

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the cafe was bustling with many customers, the workers behind the counter running around to get to everyone's order. it was mid-afternoon, the busiest time of the day on the weekdays.

regardless of it all being busy, mingyu immediately saw soonyoung walk in when the bell rung to indicate a new customer. he looked over and smiled at him before running back to work on his orders. soonyoung smiled back and sat down at the table, taking out his phone.

to mingyu; surprise~

he watched as mingyu picked up his phone and smirked to himself, putting his phone back and going to the back. in just a few seconds, mingyu came out without his apron and sat down across the seat from soonyoung.

"i'm so glad you came, you make working here so less painful." mingyu smiled and rested his head in between his hands. "how are you doing?"

"pretty good," soonyoung looked into the other's eyes. they were deep but looked so friendly. like a puppy. "you kinda look like a puppy."

"why does everyone keep saying that?!" mingyu exclaimed, sighing as if it was an insult.

"no! i don't mean it in a bad way! puppies are cute!" soonyoung panicked, not really sure about what to do.

mingyu laughed, "don't worry, i know. you're cute, too."

soonyoung felt flustered, but continued to talk so he didn't think he wasn't confident, "why thank you." he cupped his cheeks with his hands. "i know."

after a couple of seconds, soonyoung remember what he wanted to ask. "hey, are you free tomorrow?"

"yes, i am. why?" mingyu asked, looking up at soonyoung.

that single look on his face made him stop for a second. he's never seen someone look so interested in what he was going to say or ask. he looked genuinely interested in what he was going to say. it made his heartbeat increase, but also made it melt from how sweet.

"well, seokmin and jeonghan hyung said they were going to hang out with two other people and wanted me to ask if you would like to come also. i don't know many details, but they wanted me to ask."

"i'd love to! just let me know what time." mingyu smiled, his teeth showing clearly and exposing his canines. they were sharp, almost like they were fake vampire fangs.

to soonyoung, mingyu was absolutely perfect. his figure, face, details, attitude, behaviour. it was all perfect to him. it's like he found a walking epitome of a human. someone he could be around forever and never get annoyed at.

mingyu was a bit scared at the moment. yet, he felt the same way. everything about soonyoung seemed to interesting. he wanted to know everything about him; from his desires to his dreams.

mingyu poked soonyoung's cheek to get him back to his senses. he was staring off, probably daydreaming.

"hey, are you okay?"

his voice sounded low, but full of confusion as if he was actually making sure he was okay. mingyu had a deep voice, similar to wonwoo's. it scared him for a second, but he soon realized it was just mingyu.

"uh... yeah." he smiled softly, "why aren't you working?"

"i stopped working to see you. but for now, i need to get back to work. i can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow." mingyu took soonyoung's hand in his own hands, stroking his fingers gently. "make sure to text me."

he did something soonyoung didn't expect, and that was kissing his hand.

"i'll see you tomorrow."

with that, he got up and went back to go work. soonyoung's face went bright red. he definitely did not expect that to happen, but he was not complaining.

he quickly left, running home and opening the door and closing it behind him. he had a whole afternoon to do whatever he wanted, so he spent that afternoon with seokmin while jeonghan was at work. they watched movies and played some games, and when the sun began to set they started to talk.

"so hyung, tell me," seokmin smiled, turning to face soonyoung, "how did it go when you went to see mingyu? is he coming tomorrow?"

soonyoung smiled softly, thinking about the small gestures he did "it went nice. he kissed my hand! it was insane. and yes, he said he is coming tomorrow." he felt himself giggle as a fangirl would talking about their celebrity crush.

"ohh, cute. that's great, now soon you guys can get married." seokmin joked, but he was very happy to see such a genuine smile on soonyoung's face. he looked so pleasant, happy to be there and living.

it was starting to get real dark outside, the sun usually set quickly and didn't take too long for it to turn into a navy-blue sky.

"hey, wanna go outside?" soonyoung asked as he noticed the change in sky colour. with a small hum in agreement from his company, the two males stood up and walked out to the back of the apartment complex where there was a big open land with a few picnic tables and a playground for the people living there.

the two sat down in the middle of the grassy area. soonyoung laid back onto the grass and looked up at the sky, taking notes of all the stars and searching for any form of patterns.

"this feels nice," soonyoung smiled, "being out here and looking at nature. being in the nature in general. stargazing. it's great."

"you should do it with mingyu sometime," seokmin suggested, "maybe you two could go stargazing together as a date."

"but he doesn't seem like the person to do that." soonyoung frowned. he was probably just like wonwoo, not interested in anything but seemingly sex.

"oh no," seokmin laughed at soonyoung's words, shaking his head, "mingyu is a very romantic person, he loves doing anything romantic or being all lovey-dovey. that's his stuff. he's a gentleman and will do anything for you if he really likes you. i think he's starting to catch an interest in you hyung, you should've seen the way i saw him looking at you when i talked to him the day we three hung out. it was so cute." he nudged the elder playfully.

"that's nice, i've always liked being super romantic things as well. maybe we're perfect for each other... he will even do skinship." soonyoung was the type of person who liked skinship and displaying it, from back hugs to holding hands and being all cutesy. of course, he hated seeing other couples do it but he loved to do it. perhaps it was jealousy, but he didn't know.

"i'm sure something will happen eventually, and if not then you should definitely make the move." seokmin looked up at the sky and laid down next to soonyoung. "i can always ask him too, because i'm curious myself."

yet seokmin already knew. he knew how much mingyu was starting to like him, mingyu was telling him everything. from how he knew who he was before but never got to meet him, it made him more intrigued to talk to soonyoung. and how now that he knows soonyoung he wants to know everything about him. he wants to take him on a date and see how things happened. he sees soonyoung as different and wants to treat him properly. mingyu sees him as a star, the one that shines the most to him. when you meet someone as bright as a star, everyone else seems to be so dull.

"no need," soonyoung turned his head, "i can do it myself." he smiled. "but thank you."

seokmin hummed in response, focusing his attention to the night sky above him and his hyung. the stars scattered around and didn't seem to make a pattern to him. but in soonyoung's eyes, he could see hearts forming from the stars. something good will come out of tomorrow,

but something bad could too.


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