⇸ eleven.

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their first part of the day was the mall. the specific one they chose was the biggest one in the town, with over 100 shops and 20 food shops, and over 50 different activities. it was a perfect place to go for the day with a group of friends.

the six of them walked in and decided to walk around together, going to a few clothing stores. none of it really interested soonyoung, as he didn't really like clothing shopping. he usually just wore whatever people bought him or he would buy things at thrift stores and never really likes to shop for them. he has a lot of clothes for dancing and nice clothes from gifts, but not too much of it was bought by himself. nothing ever seemed to really interest him with all these expensive clothes.

they were at a fancy clothing store with super nice suits and jumpers. soonyoung decided to stick by mingyu and look at the things with him. it was better than being on his phone.

"you seem a bit bored hyung," mingyu said, noticing how soonyoung was just quietly observing his movements. how swift they were looking through the racks and how he felt the material on all the items.

"i'm not much of a clothing shopper," soonyoung said, looking up at mingyu. "i prefer shopping for items, like artifacts or food. i'm not much of a shopper in general."

"oh~" mingyu hummed as he listened, "well we could go to a different store," he suggested, stopping his observing and going to stand next to soonyoung.

"sure, if you're finished." he smiled, "i don't wanna stop you."

"no, it's fine. i don't really like anything here anyways. let's all meet up." mingyu grabbed soonyoung's arm and they walked over to where seokmin was.

"hey, we're gonna go shopping together. just text one of us when we all meet up again." mingyu explained and seokmin nodded, going off to tell the others. with that, the two went off to go shopping somewhere else.

soonyoung often would wander around and look at all the decorations in the halls, fascinated by all the bright lights and designs that were on some of the items. the last time he wandered off, he felt something warm in his hand, only to look down and see it was mingyu's hand.

"stop wandering off from me," mingyu laughed, "you look like a lost puppy."

"no, you do."

"no, i'm just a puppy."

"yeah, a cute one."

soonyoung giggled as he watched mingyu's facial expression change and burst out into laughter. he had such a cute laugh to soonyoung, it made him laugh along.

"whatever, let's just go." mingyu smiled and interlocked their fingers, walking around the mall. soonyoung felt himself blush at the small action, but had to pretend like it was nothing. he could feel his hand begin to get clammy, making it a bit uncomfortable but held it in.

"there!" soonyoung used that hand to point to a vr set where there was two seats to get the experience. "do you wanna do that? please!" he unconsciously wrapped his arms around mingyu's arm.

he couldn't resist the cute face soonyoung was giving him, so he gave in. "of course, let's do it!" he smiled and they walked over to the station. soonyoung paid for them and they decided on the roller coaster together. it felt almost real, causing soonyoung to freak out on some parts since he wasn't too big of a fan of them. it made mingyu laugh, yet there was times even he screamed from the sudden falls.

after the 'ride' was over, they thanked the worker and moved on.

"wow, that felt so real. i've never gotten to do that before." soonyoung smiled, satisfied with his experience.

mingyu was also, but seeing how happy soonyoung looked made him even happier. the look of pure joy on his face was absolutely beautiful.

the two walked around for a couple hours, they ended up going to plenty of stores and bought some accessories, hats, and candy. they played all the activities, and mingyu even won a stuffed sloth that was neon blue.

"here," mingyu handed him the sloth. "i'll give it to you. i'm sure you'll use it more than me."

"oh definitely," soonyoung smiled and took the sloth. "it's so cute! thank you~"

"of course," mingyu smiled softly. his phone dinged in his pocket, checking the message.

"it's seokmin, he wants us to meet them at the entrance we came in at. let's go." mingyu grabbed soonyoung's hand so he wouldn't wander again, and they walked back to the entrance to meet the other four.

during the time that mingyu and soonyoung hung out, the four of them were talking together about the two. seungkwan could instantly tell at the beginning of the day that they had a thing for each other.

"did you notice that?" seungkwan squeezes hansol's hand, looking up at him.

"no? notice what?" hansol started to look around, confused as to what seungkwan meant.

"soonyoung and mingyu." seungkwan laughed, "did you notice how they were acting? i don't know about soonyoung, but mingyu doesn't easily give in on people and like them. he's not much to display affection either. yet he had his hand around soonyoung and was standing really close. not to mention when we saw them earlier, they were holding hands."

hansol had to sit and think of it for a minute before he realized seungkwan was right.

the couple had just arrived at the entrance where the group was meeting up to go to their next stop, seeing jeonghan and seokmin there. that got the four of them talking.

"i'm pretty sure we can get them together, i think they like each other and they just don't realize it yet." seokmin said, leaning his head on jeonghan's shoulder. "or we could just let it happen naturally so nothing's forced. i don't think forcing them together will really work. for all we know, they could despise each other."

"you're right," seungkwan replied, "but i think they do. maybe not yet, but they will. they haven't known each other for long, i think they need to go on a date."

"well that can be a plan for another day, for now we should finish today."


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