⇸ seven.

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that question immediately made soonyoung smile. he wanted to say it went amazing and it felt like he met the love of his life, but he knew that wasn't true at all.

"it went great," soonyoung happily smiled, going to sit next to jeonghan. "i got his number and he thinks i'm handsome. i want to text him but i don't know what to say, and i'm afraid he gave me a wrong number and secretly hates me."

"oh, don't worry hyung," seokmin charmed in, "that's his real number because we both have him in our phones. he doesn't prank people like that, especially with you."

"okay, great," soonyoung sighed with relief, "but what should i say?"

"here, let me help. i'm a master with words." jeonghan said, "add his number and i'll help."

with that, soonyoung opened up his messages app and typed in his number. jeonghan helped him send a message, and then he joined in watching the movie.

to mingyu; hey, it's soonyoung! it was nice meeting you tonight, i hope we can talk more

even though it was simple, it took about fifteen minutes because soonyoung was stubborn, saying it was "too simple", but eventually he just caved in and shut off his phone to focus on the movie.

he had seen this movie a million times, even though it was halfway through he still knew what was going on. it was by far his favourite movie, the lion king. he could sit at any time of the day and watch it multiple times without getting bored.

but he was immediately distracted from it when he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. he saw it was from mingyu, making him smile knowing that he didn't get catfished and he was interested enough to text him back.

from mingyu; hey soonie~ meeting you finally was nice and i hope we can too! are you available soon?

that question made soonyoung blush a little. a date already, perhaps? soonyoung was almost always available until he realized he had his new job starting tomorrow working part-time 9-12. it wouldn't be too bad since it was at a dance company and it gave him some money and free time after. it fit his life for now until he could find an actual stable job.

he was hired to become a dance teacher, one of his other favourite things. he loved to choreograph dances, from fun and bright to slow and beautiful. it let his creativity blast and gave him a sense of satisfaction knowing that others could enjoy it as much as himself.

that made him wonder; what was mingyu's occupation? was he a dancer also? he sure didn't look like one, more of a model.

he went to reply but couldn't help at smiling at the cute little nickname; soonie. even though he was older, it was still super cute.

to mingyu; from what i know, i'm free tomorrow after 12 and most days ahead. by the way, do you do anything else besides being a cute barista?

before soonyoung could react at his actions, the text was already delivered and seen. way to go, soonyoung. he thought to himself, mentally slapping himself.

from mingyu; well that's great, i work tomorrow but we could definitely hang out the next day. i'm a part-time barista and model, but i also do music on the side as a rapper. how about you?

"of course he's a model," soonyoung whispers to himself, quiet enough for no one else to hear.

to mingyu; well, i'm a dancer. i just got a job for choreographing and i also like to sing on the side and produce music with seokmin. maybe we could all collab~!

from mingyu; yeah, let's do it! maybe you could teach me about producing, i still would love to learn how. you could even make a dance to it.

soonyoung smiled even brighter. of course he would, and it even gave him an excuse to hang out with mingyu. he already could sense they would be great friends.

a yawn managed to come out of soonyoung's mouth, surprising himself. he didn't feel tired, yet his body ached and so did his heart. it was still hard, but the feeling of something being lifted off of him still stayed, and it was a great feeling. like he just got out of jail for the police finally realizing he never did the crime.

"i'm going to sleep, but thank you guys for today again." he stood up and gave them both a warm hug before heading off to his new bedroom.

in reality, he really was tired. but he wanted to talk to mingyu. of course, he was going to be honest.

to mingyu; why sure, we'll see how it goes. i'm going to go to sleep now, let's talk later! goodnight~

soonyoung plugged in his phone and got another text.

from mingyu; me too, goodnight~ you should come to visit me tomorrow, the days get boring

to mingyu; we'll see, but not at the moment! sweet dreams~

of course, he was left on seen. but he was all giddy and happy from it all. he was talking to some really cute guy who liked things he did. of course, he still doesn't know too much about him, he doesn't even know his age. but it was also quite weird, he already met someone when he just had a breakup. yet soonyoung didn't want to date him, he just met him. this feeling was the happiest he has been for a while. it's like wonwoo was some storm constantly following him, not letting him go.

he just hoped wonwoo didn't try to come after him, and that he would let him go.


"how could i let this happen?"

wonwoo laid on his bed, back facing the girl he just had a hook-up with. it was great and all, but it didn't feel right. he wanted soonyoung by him, why would he say stuff like that?

but then again, it also felt right. it's like they tried to drag on their relationship way too far than they should have.

he just hoped this feeling would go away, and the feeling of the girl next to him would make him realize all these thoughts were totally pointless.


the room was dark, but mingyu's smile could have been bright enough to light up his room.

he was very happy meeting soonyoung. hearing his friends talk about him made him want to meet him. hearing all these great things about him and then finally meeting him he got to realize how they were all right. his bright smile and eyes that would always disappear whenever he did, his fluffy round cheeks, his warm voice, and his bubbly personality. it was all something he wanted in another person. he even is a singer.

mingyu could imagine him singing, his low smooth voice filling his ears and passing him off into a deep sleep.

snap out of it, you just met him. mingyu sighed and wrapped himself up in the blankets on his bed. he hopes everything goes well from now on, and he sees his pretty face tomorrow.


soonyoung had spent the last hour scrolling through his instagram, not being able to sleep. he was filled with too many worries, trying to find something to stick into his mind to help fade out everything else.

he has always had a problem with anxiety and over-thinking every little situation, causing him way too many heartbreaks and mental breakdowns. he wants this to be different from others.

he wants mingyu to give him happiness and relief, not anxiety and stress.


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