⇸ twelve.

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the group of six met together and finished off their day strong.

their next stop was the arcade; full of tons of games and prizes they could win. games ranging from pacman, air hockey, spinners, and even a bowling area. it was the biggest arcade in seoul.

so, they split up again. seungkwan and hansol, seokmin and jeonghan, and soonyoung and mingyu. the three groups agreed to meet up again in an hour.

soonyoung loved arcades, he couldn't decide where to start because of the many options. mingyu found it absolutely hilarious, dragging him over to the atm.

"well first, we need to get quarters. then we can decide." he put in some money and got out quarters, and soonyoung did the same. they didn't want to waste their money, so they only started with five dollars each.

they walked around until they found the air hockey table. both of them were interested, so they played one round.

of course, mingyu won. a whopping 14-11. soonyoung pouted, determining a rematch. mingyu found it absolutely adorable, hugging his side and laughing at how cute he was. soonyoung felt himself blush at the contact, leaning his head on mingyu's chest.

"you're such a bully." soonyoung began to walk away dramatically, making it as dramatic as possible. mingyu laughed, quickly running up to walk next to him.

"don't run away from me." mingyu pouted, walking next to him and linking their arms.

"you really are like a puppy, always wanting attention." soonyoung laughed, keeping their arms linked. he liked the contact.

the six of them ended up meeting together and decided to play the giant spinner. soonyoung actually won the jackpot of 1,000 tickets. with all of his excitement, he ran over and hugged mingyu.

"i didn't even know this was possible!" soonyoung laughed, going to pick up his tickets. there were so many they had to go turn them in. he still had a dollar left of his quarters, so he decided to do it again. this time, however, he only got 200.

"that's still a lot!" mingyu laughed after seeing the disappointment in his face. they picked up the tickets and turned them all in. soonyoung decided to get a stuffed bat and a bunch of candy along with it.

"let's buy drinks and then we can all feast on it!"

the six actually planned on going to dinner and then the bar, but they decided to just go back to jeonghan's. first, they stopped at the store and bought some beer.

"let's get drunk!" soonyoung yelled, flopping the candy onto the coffee table and putting the small suffed bat on top of the television.

the party started. jeonghan cracked open the first beer, following by everyone else. they turned on some music and ended up having a dance party. from hardcore choreography to cute, they all took turns dancing and ended up having a blast.

"this was a lot more fun than what we originally had planned," mingyu smiled at soonyoung, who was staring at him with a smile on his face.

"it really was," he smiled wider, his drunk side showing fully. drunk soonyoung was just normal soonyoung on crack. yet it was absolutely hilarious seeing how crazy he was. he truly was a reckless person when he was drunk.

he rested his head on mingyu's shoulder as they watched jeonghan and hansol dance to twice's cheer up, laughing at how cute hansol could be despite the manly look he usually pulls off.

soonyoung's attention trailed over to mingyu, his fingers tapping back and forth on his thigh. mingyu was starting to get a bit off from the feeling because he was very ticklish and was trying not to squirm to disturb soonyoung. so instead, he grabbed soonyoung's hand and interlocked their fingers. they looked at each other and locked eyes.

mingyu's orbs were a deep brown, but soonyoung felt like he could see a million things inside the darkness behind them. soonyoung's orbs were a lighter brown, but mingyu could see so many thoughts swarming around inside his head. he could still feel the guilt radiating from soonyoung. he could sense he was still afraid of being in a relationship again. he wanted to reassure that everything was going to be okay.

he knew soonyoung was drunk. mingyu was a light drinker when it came to beer, so he wasn't drunk and was the one who kept control of the group when they got drunk. he knew not to do anything, so he just let soonyoung snuggle into his side. seeing this, seungkwan squealed to himself on the other side of the couches.

after that round, everyone was too tired to continue. it was only 8 pm. soonyoung was hungry and so was mingyu, so they decided to go out and get some food. the four stayed back and decided to cook at home.

"do you guys wanna come with?" soonyoung asked, trying to get his shoes on and jacket without running around.

jeonghan looked over at seokmin before whispering into his ear,

"remember what we talked about earlier? let them go solo, it could be their first date."

seokmin nodded and smiled, "no thanks. i'm gonna stay and just cook something here to save money. what about you two?" he looked over to hansol and seungkwan. jeonghan pierced his eyes into their souls, indicating that they should say no.

"uh, no thanks." hansol spoke up, looking over to soonyoung. "you can guys can enjoy the alone time. we'll stay here."

with that, the two made their way out to a restaurant chosen by mingyu since soonyoung said he didn't really care.

during the car ride there, it was peaceful. the sound of the wind and the radio music on low really gave off a nice vibe. soonyoung couldn't help but watch as mingyu drove. his eyes were focused on the road, and his arms were sternly grabbing the wheel. even though he wasn't giving soonyoung much attention, he was being safe.

when they got to a stoplight, mingyu gave his attention over to soonyoung, flashing a smile over to the elder.

"you're so cute." soonyoung smiled fondly over at him, watching as he blushed from the compliment.

"so are you." mingyu smiled back, continuing to drive when the light turned green. soonyoung was looking out the window but always ended up fixing his gaze on the man driving.

"mingyu," soonyoung said as they arrived at another stoplight.

mingyu hummed and looked over to soonyoung, slightly raising his eyebrows.

"is this a date?"


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