Chapter 1 | First Meeting

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Monday, September 1, 1994 (don't check the date in your digital calendars, it isn't correct)

You grabbed your newly bought black owl (named Toad) and trunk and hurried towards your mother's side. "Bye," You called, gloomily, to your stepfather.

He smiled warmly from his place on the couch. "Be safe." He turned back to the TV, which had a football game on.

You liked your stepfather, Franklin, a lot and you couldn't help but feel sad about leaving to go to Hogwarts.

You were aware that this was a magical school (where there are witches and wizards), but you didn't feel excited. It all seemed so inconvenient to you.

This was partly because you would have to leave your best friend, Jasmyn. You and Jasmyn were crushed when you heard the news. To make matters worse, you'd have to lie and tell her your stepfather got a better job in England.

"Are you ready?" Your mum asked.

You nodded half-heartedly. This was going to be a miserable year. Kids could even call her a "Muggle" or whatever the name was. She's already heard "No-Maj" back in the States.

Your mother did tell you about Hogwarts and magic and wizards and witches since you could listen. You thought it was cool and all, but you'd rather stay in Ohio, in the US. Besides, you always thought maybe somehow she was lying about all of it.

She drove you to the train station, while you sat there and stared out the window, reminiscing.

"We're at the station," Your mum announced, beaming. "We'll be heading to Platform 9 ¾!"

You stared at her. "9 ¾? That's not a platform, is it?"

Your mum nodded eagerly. "Oh, it is. Just follow me into it, and I'll get you suited up, and..."

But your eyes had wondered off. You were staring at a pretty girl with ginger hair. She has an owl. Is she going as well?

"Mum, there's a-" You looked back where she was. But your mum wasn't there. She completely disappeared. "Mum?" You shrieked.

She was gone!

You looked all over the Platforms. There was no Platform 9 ¾! Was this a trick? Did your mum want to get rid of you?

Her car was still there. You blinked away a tear, feeling your throat start to burn. Instead of going to the car, you looked for the girl again.

She had gone back to her mother. Replacing her was a boy as old as you. "Mum, Ginny," he complained. "Hurry your tushes."

You took your eyes off him and glanced around you. Where could she be?

Meanwhile, the redheaded boy broke into a run and crashed into you, knocking you over with his cart.

"Mum..." You groaned, aching.

"You alright?" The boy said gently, holding out his hand. "I'm sorry- Didn't mean-" You broke into tears, feeling frustrated and embarrassed. "Woah... Woah... It's gonna be alright."

"Oi, Fred! You made her cry." There was a new voice. You glanced up through your tears to see an exact (almost) replica of the boy.

"Maybe... I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going..."

"Hey, Fred, she's kind of cute!" The twin said, bending down.

"Stop flirting with me!" You hiccuped. "I just want... to go back home!"

First Love, Last Love (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now