Chapter 43 | Until September

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Saturday, June 27

Today, you, Hermione, and every other girl in the dormitories were packing up. This was the last day of Hogwarts, and you couldn't lie. You enjoyed every minute of it.

You really were going to miss Hogwarts.

Why do all good things have to last? You were, for the first time, upset that there would only be a few more years beyond this.

When you were done packing up, you sat on your bed solemnly. Cedric was dead, Hector was still missing, and you wouldn't see your friends for another two or three months.

Still, you couldn't feel depressed for yourself. You've made so many memories here, even if the year ended with a bang.

Actually, there was one thing you could look forward to. Mad-Eye Moody will not be teaching next year. That means some decent teacher can finally step in.

Hermione didn't tell you the full details of how Moody got dismissed, but she did say he was impersonating the real Moody. Naturally, that opened a bunch of doors to possible questions and answers but she refused to answer anything else.

You knew you would get it out of her eventually. Hermione was a terrible secret keeper. As for Sirius Black, you'd still have to ask her about that.

You got up from your bed and instead of carrying all of your bags at once, you used your wand to make them follow you.

You got to the common room, where there were other Gryffindor students. They weren't chatting as excitedly as usual. It was either because of Cedric's death or Harry's proclamation that Voldemort was back.

You had a vague idea of who exactly Voldemort was.

"Only the deadliest, cruelest wizard alive!" Ron had told you.

Hermione had nodded, with her usual worried look. "He can and will murder you and your entire family if you so much as looked at him wrong."

You had shivered then. He sounded really bad, no wonder everyone was scared. Of course, some people didn't believe Harry, but it didn't really matter to you.

It's their own funeral.

Before you left the common room, Seamus came up to you and gravely paid up. You were glad for the reward, but it definitely came with a cost. You both knew that. You gave him a small smile and a "thank you."

You left the common room with your friends, Fred, George, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. The last three went off on their own while you, Fred, and George went straight to the Great Hall to catch some food.

You sat in between the two, and, without speaking, you gobbled down a turkey leg and brown gravy.

When you and the twins finished, you went with everyone else to load your things on the train. Hagrid, the Care of Magical Creatures teacher, helped everyone load their bags and suitcases.

When you finished, you and the twins went back in the quart yard with most everyone else. You caught sight of Harry, Hermione, and Ron.

They were standing by the open area outside of the castle, propping themselves up by the ledge. They watched the Durmstrang students leave in their boat and the Beauxbatons students fly out with their carriages. You sighed at the sight of the departing students.

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