Chapter 23 | Second Task

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"Who even gets in fist fights? We're witches and wizards for a reason."

"It was that Pansy girl, too, though. She's wild. And a bitch."

"They're both bitches. I heard that other girl forced money from her mom to get her boyfriend something for Valentine's Day."

"Is that so? Well, I wouldn't put it past her."

"All you students do is gossip."

"Oh, Professor Snape! I didn't see you there."

"Get to class, all of you. Don't make me give you all detentions-"

"Professor Snape, you're needed in Dumbledore's office."

"I'm coming... Get to class."

~ ~ ~ ~
Monday, February 24

Because of the second task, you've all been instructed to study today instead of doing actual schooling. You were pretty excited about it, but Hermione is hanging out with Ron and Harry.

You could tell she was incredibly worried about Harry. Neither of them knew what to do for the second task, or what it was entirely.

You didn't know either. You had your own worries.

However, you were so glad you were going to be able to watch this task. Last time, you were stuck in a hospital bed.

You and Fred were a bit tense, but you were okay, mostly. He still didn't seem to understand why you just had to get beat up, and you didn't understand why he just had to bring it up all the time.

You were writing notes in your notebook from the text at the moment. Fred was beside you, fooling around with George instead of actually writing.

You felt the most relaxed right now than you had before your mother got hurt. You haven't heard much more about her. You haven't gotten to see her again, yet.

Dumbledore doesn't have any news either. This frustrates you, but you knew you could only hope she gets better.

"Hey, (Y/N)," Fred whispered beside you.


"You wanna help George and I handle the bets?"

"Probably not, but I'll support you, I guess," you answered, smirking.

He clutched his chest dramatically, and not for the first time. "How could you? Even my one love is turning me away."

"I am not turning you away," you said, putting a warm hand to his cheek. "I just don't want to get caught placing bets on the lives of others... Again."

"Fine," he said, turning his head away, huffing. You knew he wasn't really upset.

You returned to your notes and started to doodle.

~ ~ ~ ~
"Bets here! Place your bets here!" Fred and George shouted out to the flock of students trailing past him.

You were smiling at everyone who walked past and linked your arm with Fred's, excited about the buzzing of every student around. Someone was telling you this would be a pretty thrilling second task.

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