Chapter 13 | P.S.

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Monday, December 26

When you went inside, your mom was on the couch, reading a newspaper. She looked up and smiled when you came in, and smiled even brighter at the sight of the two dishes. "Hey, honey. Did you stop by Marie's?"

You nodded. "We have a dish of our favorite bread pudding, and an extra hash brown casserole and some potatoes!"

She helped you put the dishes in the refrigerator. "Now, (Y/N)," she said when you were done, "it's time for you to open some presents."

She made you sit on the couch and gave you three wrapped gifts. You tore one open and gasped. "Mom, really? You shouldn't have! Thank you so much!" It was a set of three candles with you favorite scents.

"Onto the next one, hurry!"

You opened it and beamed. This one was a small set of perfume.

"That's so you smell good for your Fred."

You blushed. "Mom!"

You opened the final gift. It was a book. "Where's the title?"

She smiled. "There is none. You just open it up and start reading and it takes you to a story that helps your mood. If you're sad, it'll give you a happy story. If you're in the need to cry, it'll give you a sad one."

You hugged her. "Thank you so much, Mom, I love you!"

After that, you heated up some of the bread pudding with your Mom and ate some while you two sat in the living room watching Christmas movies until it was late.

You and your mom went into your separate rooms for the night. You closed your door and suddenly remembered the card. Excited now, you dug the card out of your bag an tore it open.

On the front was a flying reindeer and a saying "Happy X-Mas From Your One Special Boy!" You smiled and opened it.

He left a note on the left side and on the right it said "Hope you have a dazzling Christmas, girly!"

You skimmed over the note, your hands shaky now. It read:

I wrote this before we attended the Ball so I can't really say if I enjoyed it or not, but with you as my date I know I will! Hope you have the best Christmas ever, (Y/N).

P. S. I think I like you.

You closed the card the second you read those last words, and felt your face heat up. I'm dreaming.

You set the card on your dresser, changed into your pajamas. Then, you remembered you needed to write to Fred, like you promised.

You groaned and got off your bed, grabbing a pen and tearing off a piece of parchment.

You bit your pen and thought but you weren't entirely sure what to say.

Finally, you read the note he left you once more and decided to acknowledge it... And accept it.

You wrote:

My dearest, Fred,
Thank you so much for the letter and even more so for the necklace! I almost want to keep it on forever. I miss you more than you can imagine, you know.
Please write back as soon as you can. I look forward to seeing you in around 5 days. Doesn't seem too far away, now does it?
Please please please tell your mother about me. I'd love to hear what she thinks of me, but I'd love it even more if I could meet her.
Until the next letter,
P.S. I think I'm falling for you.

You may have grown a little confident for that last line. Fred didn't even say he was falling for you, he just said he liked you. Or he thinks he does. Nevertheless, you sent the letter off to his address using your owl, Toad.

You hoped you weren't too excited to go back to school when you went to sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~
Published 12-25-19

Merry Christmas!

First Love, Last Love (Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now