Chapter 2 | Hogwarts

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Monday, September 1

You, Fred, and George were with a large crowd of students looking out of the hallway. Outside, you could see a huge man waving two sticks at something. He seems unnatural, but what the hell. You have already seen strange things.

You gasped at the sight of flying horses leading carriages down to the ground. Once they were set, someone shouted, "Look at the water!"

You turned and saw the beginning of a ship poking out. Soon, the entire ship came out of the water and Fred shouted, "Now, that's something you don't see everyday!"

You grinned at him and he returned the smile.

Them you heard, "That's a nice surprise. Especially after what happened at the Quidditch World

~ ~ ~ ~
It was brilliant in the Great Hall. There were floating candles as lights and everyone was seated and incredibly happy. It seemed so magical, but perhaps that was just a given, seeing as Hogwarts was a school for the people with magic.

Professor Dumbledore took control of the school. By his side was a nice teacher named Professor McGonagall. There were other teachers, too, that you would have to learn as you go through your classes.

First years were being sorted into their houses. According to Professor Dumbledore, the houses were Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Griffindor. You thought Slytherin seemed cool; you always wanted a snake as a pet. Unfortunately, that wasn't allowed at your house, even if your mom could afford it.

Fred told you he was in Gryffindor. You thought, Well, I think Gryffindor is nice, too. And lions are ten times as big and mighty as snakes!

You hated to admit that you wanted Gryffindor, now, more than Slytherin.

You were sorted last because you were in the fifth year, unlike all the other new students. When people saw you getting sorted, they snickered at you, making you embarrassed.

Professor McGonagall put a raggedy brown hat on you. To your astonishment, the hat screamed, "Gryffindor!" What?! The hat can talk?

After that, Professor Dumbledore announced that our school had been selected for the Triwizard Tournament and we would be hosting it here. He also announced the arrival of Beauxbatons Academy (the people in the horse carriages) and Durmstrang Institute (the guys on the ship).

First came the girls of Beauxbatons Academy. The fluttered in here with dainty steps and butterflies, flashing their eyelashes at the boys and making Fred and George's brother, Ron, go crazy.

Right behind them was their headmistress, Madame Maxine.

You gazed at her in awe. Not only was she super tall, she was so pretty! When she passed you, she gave you a wink and you practically melted. Not to be gay, but she's literally a goddess!

Next came the Durmstrang men. They looked so tall and strong, with their hard expressions and their staffs. Dumbledore announced their headmaster Igor Karkaroff.

He isn't pretty like Madame Maxine.

When the students of Hogwarts sang their own song, it seemed as though everyone knew the words. How could you join in when you hadn't ever heard it before?

After that, Dumbledore told the students about the Goblet of Fire. Fred and George were angry when he said you'd have to 17 years or older to compete. You were not. From what Hermione told everyone, the Triwizard Tournament was absolutely dangerous and could very much kill you. You didn't want any part of that, and you didn't want Fred or George to be a part of that either.

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