Chapter 8 | Deal.

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Thursday, November 25

Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, Harry, and another little red-haired girl that was Fred's little sister, Ginny, came in while you were sitting up on you bed and celebrated with you. Hector joined a little bit later, too. Such a cute bird-pen.

They told you how Harry had done such a good job and "it was such bogus Harry didn't drop dead", according to Fred. Basically, Harry had gotten the most difficult dragon there was (the Hungarian Horntail) and still got the golden egg.

You cheered with him and gave him a high-five. Maybe you two were just acquaintances, but you were proud of him.

You pretended not to notice that your ribcage was throbbing at that point. Stupid Bludger! I'm making a good recovery and you can't stop me from doing what I want! You thought, not for the first time.

Fred gave you a little side hug and remained there while everyone else except for Hector left for dinner. "I'm not hungry," was all he said.

"The dragon had half a brain not to beat him bloody on the spot," Fred admitted.

"Or Harry must've had twice the brains," you said. "I'm just glad he's alright from that pounding."

"Well, he won't be for long, you know," a new voice spoke.

It was Seamus. As far as you two knew, you were strangers. Nevertheless, you raised your eyebrows at him as he came over.

"Why, you don't think he's going to last a while?" You asked.

"He's already dead!" Seamus laughed. "No way will a scrawny 14 year old like him would last the Tournament. My bets are on Krum."

You frowned. "He'll last. He's a smart kid, and besides, he's no older than you."

Seamus rolled his eyes. "I'm twice the man he is."

"Doubtful," Fred said. He stood up from his seat beside me and towered over Seamus.

Seamus stood his ground. "Well, this sucks for you, I guess, that you'll never get a chance to see. Everyone's eyes are on Harry. No idea why."

"He almost died several times before, remember? This will be child's play to him," you responded, knowing that wasn't true but you were humored of the thought of Harry being all big and buff.

Seamus glanced at Fred, and then to you.

"Well, if you two seem so sure that earthworm will live, then have at it. No, better yet," he raised one eyebrow and grinned. "Let's make a bet."

You frowned. "A bet on someone's life?"

"How much are you willing to put in? Fred's not a part of this," he said after Fred started leaning forward.

"Rubbish! I'm not letting you two bet at Harry's life without me," he exclaimed.

"Shhh, Fred," you said, glancing at Madam Pomfrey's desk to see if she had heard. She hadn't, so you turned back to Fred. "Fred, it's alright. I'll win this stupid bet, easy peasy. As long as this idiot doesn't go murdering Harry." You glared at Seamus.

"Hell if I will."

"Anyway, it doesn't count if Harry dies anytime that he ISN'T in the middle of a task, alright? I'll bet..." You started counting in your head.


They stared at you. Then something clicked in Seamus.

"Muggle money! We use things like galleons and sickles, new girl."

"Right, I haven't gotten used to this money system. Uh..." You thought for a second.

"Oh! That's like around 5 galleons, right?"

They nodded slowly, obviously unsure, but you looked at Seamus in the eye and told him, "Five galleons."

"Ten galleons over here, then," he replied. "I'm a rolling stone with these bets, don't forget that."

"The bet ends when the third task ends, deal?"

You both shook on it, and he left.

"(Y/N), how many galleons do you have?"

"On me? 9 or 10, with some sickles and knuts. My mom? Not so sure." You chuckled. "I'd make about £50 with this bet. That would help my mom and I out a lot."

Harry, if you die, I'll bring you back to life and kill you!

Fred wasn't so sure about the bet, but somehow, you convinced him that it'll be fine.

You weren't so sure yourself, but even if you didn't make a bet it would suck if Harry died anyway. You liked him, you thought he was nice enough. A little overwhelming and probably very overwhelmed but nice.

Please let me win this bet... And keep Harry alive.

~ ~ ~ ~
Published 12-21-19

Two chapters in one day??

Also, Christmas is almost here!!!

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