Chapter 3 | A Better View of the Lake

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Even if you are not scared of scorpions, in this book, the main character is pretty disturbed by them.

Happy reading!
Tuesday, September 2

You read the letter over and over again to comprehend. Your stepfather just left your mom and now she's struggling to pay for the rent, BUT she's gotten a new job that will help.

You put down the letter and decide to wait until tonight to write back. "You can wait here at the owlery, Chernobyl. It'll be a while." She flew out the window.

You couldn't help but feel a bit bummed when you returned to Fred and George, book in hand.

"Hey, (Y/N), what took so long?" Fred asked as you walked in.

"Nothing," you answered, putting on a fake smile and sliding into a soft chair.

Fred and George sat on the floor in front of the fire and got out some of their "supplies."

Hermione came in while they were playing around, rolled her eyes, and sat next to you. After her came Ron and a lanky, pale boy whose name you've forgotten. They sat down beside Hermione.

She opened up a textbook and started studying. After a while, you became curious.

"Hermione, have you ever read this book?"

She looked up and you showed her the cover of Tuck Everlasting. A classic.

"I don't believe so," she answered, surprised.

"Really?" Ron quipped. "There's a book out there that you haven't read?"

"Oh, shut it, Ron," Hermione said, her cheeks turning pink.

You chuckled and told her about it, then said since you keep rereading it, that you'll temporarily trade a book with her for it. She agreed.

Soon, it was getting dark. You said your good nights to Fred and George (Fred more specifically) and headed upstairs with Hermione. Some other girls were up there, too.

Before you went to sleep, you wrote back to your mom.

Dear Mom,
It's wonderful here. I already have some amazing friends. It's exciting with all the magic, and especially since the Triwizard Tournament is happening, but don't worry, I won't be entering it.
I'm really sad that Franklin is leaving, but I understand. I'll miss him, but it's nice that he's still paying for some of the rent. Thank you for telling me this.
My first day was great! The teachers are so nice and so are other students, even though I'm five years late. Do you know the Weasley's? The Granger's? Well, I'm friends with them. I'm having a great time even though it's all a little overwhelming at first.
I love you

After you tied the letter to the ever so patient Toad (you had no idea where Chernobyl has gone), you sent him off and went to sleep.

Over the next few days, you tried being cheerful, but you kept wondering what was going to happen during the summer. You would be incredibly lonely without Franklin or your mom or even Jasmyn. And you would almost definitely have to find a summer job.

Fred eventually realized you were sad (dumb men), so he was extra nice around you. For example, he would shut George up if he was teasing you, or he would hold the door open. George noticed your gloominess, but the best he did was tell Fred about it.

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