Chapter 6 | Bludger

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So I'm in the middle of editing, and there's a mistake that has to do with (Y/N)'s schedule.

Her morning classes are Herbology, Charms, Transfiguration, etc. and the classes after her lunch break are DADA and Potions, only two classes.

What I'm saying is, I accidentally put her Charms class in the afternoon.


Just pretend this is normal for the day and then forget all about it.

Happy reading!

~ ~ ~ ~
Tuesday, November 6

You were in Charms with Fred and George. Class was almost over, and after Charms you could just hang out until dinner. Which is why you liked Charms so much, apart from the fact that it was such a great class.

The teacher, Professor Flitwick, was reviewing some of the things we learned to the slower students. You were messing around with Fred and George.

Fred accidentally gave his pen some wings and a bird head and snoot (mouth) so it was floating around, chilling and nibbling on things. George named it Hector. By the end of class, you all became well acquainted with Hector.

Fred cradled Hector in his arms. You laughed and tickled Hector's head. He was adorable with his little wings and snoot.

After class, you and Fred went to the library. Fred didn't like reading, so he just messed with Hector while you read.

You curled up in a bean bag chair while Fred sat criss-cross applesauce right beside you.

Because Fred was fidgeting and laughing so much, the librarian scolded him until she had to kick him out. You laughed with Fred and waved goodbye to him.

"Fine!" He said and ran off, out the library and into the hallway.

You hopped up and sprinted after him, unsure where he was. You looked both ways but there were students coming down the hallways so you couldn't be sure where he was.

"Fred! Get your ass back here!" You exclaimed loudly. You heard fits of laughter on your left side and Fred's head appeared around the corner.

You ran after him and his head disappeared. "Aha!" You shouted when you rounded the corner but he wasn't there. "Huh?" You frowned.

You helped when you felt someone grasp your sides. "Fred fucking Weasley!" You turned around to see him laughing at you.

"What's so funny?" You pouted.

He just pointed and said, "Your face is sooo red! And who screams 'ass' in the middle of school?"

This made you feel more heated but you couldn't resist a smile as he put his hands on your shoulders. You suddenly felt the urge to hug his torso and obeyed.

It was his turn to become red as he looked down at you. "Why, (L/N), you've got quite a grip."

You let go and playfully punched his chest. "Let's go do something."

~ ~ ~ ~

Fred and George took you to practice Quidditch since nobody else was practicing. (Because there wouldn't be a Quidditch cup this year.)

Fred sat Hector in his bag so he could just chill in there while you practiced.

You hopped on your broom and instantly snatched the Quaffle, even though you still didn't really have the hang of it.

While George played around with the Bludger, you defended the goals. Fred hit the Quaffle towards the right goal and you caught it just barely.

All this practice is paying off. I'm getting okay at this! You grinned to yourself.

You whirled around the goals and George suddenly came up and snatched the red ball. You gazed at him.

"What did you do with the Bludger?"

He smirked. "I'll never tell... Watch out!"

You ducked downward suddenly and missed the Bludger. It zoomed off, away from you, Fred, and George. "You better make sure it doesn't go in the castle!"

He threw the Quaffle at Fred. "It won't go anywhere! I've got my eye on it, don't worry," he responded.

Fred flung the ball at you and you distractedly ducked. It went past you and into the goal. You cursed yourself for not catching it while Fred and George smirked.

You caught and missed the Quaffle several more times and then you switched positions with George.

You worked well with Fred. He passed you the Quaffle and you passed it back and George got confused many times while you and Fred had a good laugh.

Then, you reeled your arm back to toss the Quaffle into the middle goal when you felt something crash into your side. You cried out as you fell off your broom.

You reached out to get a grip on your broom but you were too late. You threw your arms out in a last, desperate attempt and felt someone grab onto you.

Fred hoisted you up and you clutched your rib, shouting out something you couldn't even comprehend.

You grabbed at Fred, moaning about the pain in your side and tearing up. "I'm taking (Y/N) to the hospital wing! That bloody Bludger got her!"

You closed your eyes, feeling extremely dizzy. You felt unbearable pain in your side and whimpered.

Fred aimed the broom towards the entrance of the castle while George set out for the Bludger.

About two seconds later, you felt a huge impact on the broom and you were thrown off. You shrieked and heard Fred yell out.

The ground seemed so close and suddenly you heard a loud crack and then felt nothing in your ribs or anywhere else. Not even Fred and George rushing you to the hospital wing.

Published 12-10-19

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