Chapter 28 | A Date

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Saturday, March 14
You only just realized two important birthdays you missed. Ron's and Hermione's. Hermione's was understandable as it was September 19. You don't think you were really good friends back then.

But you and Ron were pretty alright friends and his birthday was on the 1st of March. Nobody told you! That was 13 days ago. Surely you heard someone say happy birthday to him... Ah well, maybe next year.

You knew when the twins' birthdays were. April 1. You have a huge surprise for them. And the supplies you're going to need are in Hogsmeade.

Good news for you, the faculty are planning a trip to Hogsmeade today. You are excited, Hogsmeade is such a lovely place with little shops everywhere to satisfy your needs. If you only you had enough money to buy all the shops.

But, you brought just enough money to get your supplies and then do whatever.

After getting ready and tying your shoes, you went downstairs and met Fred by the fire.

"Hey," you said, looking up at him. You put your hands on the back of an old recliner.

"How is my beautiful girl doing?"

You looked down, embarrassed. "She's doing great. You?"

He took your hand. "Never better. I have an idea."

"What would that be?"

"Let's go on a date today," he suggested, grinning.

As long as you had enough time to buy your supplies, it was fine. "I'd love that." You gave his hand a squeeze. "Shall we get going?"

"We shall."

You headed down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Hermione was already there, Ron beside her. Everyone seemed to be buzzing with excitement. You hadn't gone to Hogsmeade since January.

After breakfast, Professors McGonagall and Flitwick led the students out and onto the path down a hill and beyond the shrieking shack, even through the thin layer of snow.

It was still snowing by the time everyone was released around the shops. "Fred." You took his hand.

"Mmm?" He was looking around, then he turned to you.

"I need to buy a few things before we go in this date. Will you meet me back here after.... Thirty minutes? It won't take long." You were standing just beside Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop.

He kissed you on the cheek and you smiled. "Sure. George and I have business with Zonko's."

You spilt up. You thought of looking for Hermione, but didn't want to waste your time. No offense to her, of course.

First of all, you had to spread the word to all of Fred and George's friends besides Hermione, Ron, and Harry. You've already told them, and they're all in.

You have a list of possible people who'd be willing to do something for their birthday. The list had:

-Hermione, Harry, Ron
-Lee Jordan
-Lavender (that's a maybe)
-Parvati and perhaps her sister
-Basically just ask around Gryffindors
-Draco (haha I'm hilarious)
-That one Jenny girl from Hufflepuff. Pretty sure she has a thing for George.
-Alicia S (duh)
-Katie B

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