Chapter 33 | Detention with Dumbledore Pt. 2

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Tuesday, March 24

Dumbledore Apparated you to the same Muggle hospital as before. This time, a different woman greeted you at the door. You waited for Dumbledore to give her the same story and fake ID as the last.

She let you pass once she thought you were valid. You two went upstairs, you quicker, as you were excited to see your mom.

Once you were on the correct floor, you rushed into the room, beaming.

It was empty. The bed was cleaned and the curtains were wide open. The desk beside the bed was also cleaned and held nothing on or in it, besides a pen.


"Hello. Is there someone you need?" There was a nurse behind her, obviously wondering what she was doing in an empty room.

"Pardon her, ma'am," Dumbledore said, when he was near enough. "We were looking for Arabelle (L/N)."

"Oh, she's been moved. Shall I show you to her?"

"Yes, please." You and Dumbledore followed her down the stairs to another room. The same nurse from Arabelle's old room was just walking out.

"Oh, hello," she said when she recognized both of you. "Arabelle's doing right fine. We've just moved her into this room; she's gotten a lot better. She'll love to see you."

You smiled and walked in. There she was, lying in the bed with less tubes than last time. Another difference is that she was awake.

Awake. All this time?! Who thought to tell you??

"Hey!" You left the room and yelled after the nurse. "She's been awake! You didn't tell me? What the hell!"

Dumbledore grabbed your arm. The nurse shook her head and walked. "Honey, listen-"

"You didn't send an owl to tell me she was awake and sent to another room. You didn't even send me a few words telling me she got so much better!"

"She was just moved this morning, shortly after she woke up," the nurse argued. You calmed down a bit, and your cheeks turned pink.

"Still, I think I would have appreciated some info." You frowned. You knew you were wrong, but you didn't want to admit it.

"It's all well, miss. We'll check up on her now." You hoped you didn't embarrass Dumbledore, but that was possible.

You turned and went back into the room. Arabelle flickered open her eyes and glanced at you. For a second you wondered if she knew you were there, but then she smiled. "(Y/N)." It was weak, but it made you happy.

"Mom!" You went up and hugged her. She kissed your forehead.

She still had the neck cast on her, and she probably couldn't move her legs at all. They were also covered in casts. And you knew from experience that it took a while for bones to heal. It would be a long process, but you hoped your mother wasn't in too much pain.

"It's been too long, dear. How are you?"

"I'm awesome, now!"

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