Chapter 2|| Whats this?

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It's 6 AM now, you are awake from your legendary slumber. Even though it was in a box, it was the best sleep you've gotten in a while. You were thinking about what you wanted to see last night.. hmm.. what was it? you looked around your surroundings and found the poster. It came back to you in an instant. "Hey, whats this?" you said, walking up to it and detaching it from the wall. you read its words in your mind

                       COME ONE COME ALL!
            Ladies and gentlemen come on over to
the circus in the sky! It's an amazing attraction, we got a funhouse, arcade and a lot of delicious food! You can even get a chance to meet the famous G0Z himself! And of course, his crew! We hope to see you all there at our LOVELY event! stayyyyy clowny my friends!
Just go to: Caroline rd and take the highway! and if not, take a taxi!
open at 11 AM - 12 AM  

"Huh" you said, maybe this could be a time for you to shine. A time to make friends and maybe even....have a new home? Oh my god.. I'm going to get a home! wait wait now don't get too caught up now Y/N, you don't know for sure. But you know what they say! run away from home and join the circus! looks like you have a  trip to make!

You folded the poster and put it in your pocket, you then ran off to yet another journey. This time, you might get a better chance at life. You couldn't pay the taxi but it'll take too long to get there on you decided to play the "i'm a lost child" game. You waited for a taxi to come, after time passed you spotted one. You waved your hands out to it and it stopped.

"Hey there little girl, are you lost? where's your mom?" The taxi driver asked empathetically. You put a sad look on your face and revealed the bruise on your cheek. "Oh dear! what happened to your face?" You fake cried, "I f-fell and" sniff "I can't find my mom, th-the last time I saw her was at the c-circus in the sky. She said to," sniff "Wait for her at one of the tents if I were ever to get lost and I ran farther from the circus and got here.." Nailed it, heheh!

You looked up at the taxi driver in a hopeless way. "Oh it's okay sweetie! how long have you been lost?"  "For a day" You said under your "tears". "But take me to the circus p-please. I will go to one of the workers and ask them to c-call my mom, that's all I w-want." you said hopelessly with puppy dog eyes. "Oh it's okay, i'll get you there. Hope you find your mom, ok? now get in, it's not that far from here!" You stepped into the taxi car and fastened your seatbelt.

The guy looked in his mid 20's, so he looked trustworthy anyways. He didn't say a word to you after you got into the car though, strange but you didnt care. After 15 minutes you arrived at the circus in the sky, it was amazing. it was so big! the only problem was it was 7 AM opens at 11 AM, and i'm not just gonna sit there and wait till 11 AM. You stepped out of the car and nodded thank you to the kind taxi driver. He waved back and drove off.

I cant believe my stupid plan worked. Was that even possible? oh well, i'm here now. Quicker than I thought anyways. Now, how can I get in... You looked around and you found a crevice big enough for you to fit in leading into the circus in the sky, you creeped your way over there and slowly went in.. and then you saw the amazing colorful sight of the circus. It was amazing. You stepped up and smiled, until someone tapped you in the back...

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