Chapter 3||um...

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"And just who are you?" Said the person standing behind you. You jumped in fear, you froze again, looking at the person. They were wearing a pink bunny mask, had pink dyed hair, and a yellow dress with a green bow tie with blue pants. "AHH! I- um.." shit..I blew it..uh.. "I, well I," The person interrupted you, she crouched down enough to reach your face, she closed her eyes and smiled "It's alright dear, we're welcoming" She stood up, observing your face. "Well, I'm not going to ask your name just yet! Look at your face! what happened? She asked worriedly "Well I.."

You looked down "Thats..why i'" The person had a sympathetic look on her face "Oh darling, it'll be alright, you can tell me all about it after we get you fixed up!" she put her arm on your back and started walking you towards G0Z's office. She stopped and knocked on the door. "Oh G0Z! Dear! We have an early customer who is in need of help!" she kept knocking gently yet obnoxiously. You smiled, knowing that these people didn't care that you broke into their circus, they truly are a welcoming group. "Oh my! where are my manners?" she turned around at you.

"My name is Caroline!" She nodded at you "Now, I am a bunny of my word! Don't tell me your name until I get you all fixed up!" You smiles even more, and nodded. You wanted to hug her but didn't want to be weird. You couldn't resist, you hugged her tight and starting BAWLING. She looked surprised but then smiled and placed her arms around you caringly "Oh dear it's okay, it's okay to cry" she stroked your hair as you bawled while hugging her. You finally had someone who cared about you. You haven't felt this way in so long.

You heard the door to the office open, and that's when you saw G0Z..

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