Chapter 4||The appointment

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G0Z opened the door just to be greeted by caroline and Y/N. "Hello you two!" He said with a happy look on his face, he looked at Caroline "What seems to be the problem?" Caroline looked up at G0Z "We'll, this kind young child payed us an uninvited visit, but it's alright! they are kind, and they are hurt on their cheek!" She looked down and hugged me, looking at G0Z with puppy dog eyes "Oh please help the poor child out" G0Z looked down at you, and smiled with a warm smile "Of course, ill help you pleasure" He stretched out his arm and took you into his office.

He took you into a room, which looked like any normal room you'd see at a doctors office. He sat down on a rolling chair and rolled over to me. "Let's see what we have here," He reached out his hand and touched my bruised cheek, I let out a small yelp in pain. "Oh i'm sorry, that hurts?" I nodded "It's alright, I won't touch it anymore" He observed it more and stood up. He went over to a small fridge that he had next to the counter and pulled out a pack of ice.

"This might sting just a little bit, but that's just cause it's cold" He said, putting the small ice pack on my bruised area and using a bandage wrap to strap it onto my face. it went from my cheek to my chin to the back of my next to stick on. "Keep this on for an hour, it should numb the pain" He looked over at your arms, he saw some wounds. "Oh my, you certainly are torn up!" He rolled his chair over to his counter and grabbed more bandage wrap and rolled his chair back to you, he wrapped the bandage over your wound on your arm. He didn't bother to ask what happened, he respected your privacy.

"You're all set!" He smiled. Caroline walked into the room "My! you're going to be all fixed up in no time, now, tell me dear! what is your name?" You looked up at her and said your name "Y/N" Caroline smiled "That's a beautiful name!" she clapped happily. "Now, would you like to go back home? Are you lost?" You froze "BACK HOME? NO WAY PLEAS- i'm sorry I freaked out.." Caroline and G0Z both looked surprised. G0Z put his hand on your shoulder "It's okay, I understand. You ran away. Been there, done that. Haha" He smiled warmly "You can stay with us, we'd be happy to have a new addition to the circus"

You smiled wider than you've ever before "Really?!" G0Z and Caroline smiled. "Yes, really" he smiled back at you. You looked over to Caroline and she hugged you "Welcome to the circus my dear!" You've never felt this happy before.. "Now! let's go introduce you to the other members!" G0Z said

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