[LAST CHAPTER]Chapter 11||Confession

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After the show, G0Z congratulated you. So did the rest of the circus crew. Caroline hugged you, Clinten applauded you. Fodloca pat you on the head, Snootz and poofyz clapped for you, Yukc0 didn't care, Zoozy hugged you. After all that, Zoozy looked at you, "So..Wanna go play video games in my room now? The circus is about to close!" You smiled and took his hand. "Of course!!"

Ya both ran to the rooms, zoozy opened he door to his revealing his awesome room. It had blue painted walls, a bed on the side, and a monitor computer on the side and a game chair. He let you walk in and closed his door. He grabbed an extra chair he had in his closet and brought it over to his desk where his computer rested on. Above the computer was a TV connected to the computer and an Xbox, He gave you a controller and opened minecraft.

"Here, you can use this one, i'll use my blue one." You smiled and took it. He let the game load and chose multiplayer, You both played minecraft with each other. You were in survival, and you got dogs, went mining, and built a huge house. After hours of playing it was now 3 AM.

Zoozy looked at the time and turned off all electronics. "You should get going" he smiled. You smiled too, "Yeah haha. It was fun though, I really enjoyed it, thank you." You hugged him. He was startled at first but then he placed your hands on you and hugged you back. You both released yourselves from the hug.

You walked over to the door, "I'll see you tomorrow!" Just as you were about to leave he stopped you. "WAIT! I-...I have something I need to tell you." You blushed and turned around, He sat down on the floor. You sat down with him. "S-so i'm sorry if you hate me for this, But I..just..Ive been considering this for a long time and I have made up my mind."

You looked confused. "I just..Don't know how to say this.." He looked down then took a deep breath. "I love you Y/N." he looked down again and it was silence for a solid 10 seconds. You were blushing like crazy, you were at a loss for words. You hugged him, then whispered in his ear, "I...Feel the same way.." He hugged you back. You stood up, and so did he. You both laughed, He picked you up in his arms. "So does that mean were..?" You looked at him smiling, "Yes, yes it does." he kissed you on the cheek. You blushed like crazy but then kissed him back, this time on the lips.

He put you down. You stood up, he was flustered. He looked at you then smiled, "Goodnight you loveable idiot!" you said, "Goodnight to you too you big idiot" he smiled. You walked over to the door and opened it. And that was it.. Your life was literally the best it could ever get.

The end.

or will there be more......
who knows! Comment below what other myth x readers I should do!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2019 ⏰

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