Chapter 5|| The crew

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Others...! Why was this such a surprise to you, it's obvious theres more then just two. You tried not to slip up on your words but you were just so happy. You jumped up in excitement "Yes! i'd love to meet them!" G0Z grinned "Okay then! let's hurry now, before this place opens!" Y/N, Caroline, And G0Z both stepped out of the office and waited as G0Z gathered all the other crew members.

Time passed and you were finally ready to meet them. They were all in a  line in front of the funhouse. G0Z stepped in front of them and spoke to them "Hello everyone! Lovely morning yes? A perfect day to make a new friend! speaking of new friends...we have a new addition to the circus in the sky! Meet Y/N!" G0Z moved out of the way, revealing you to them all, you awkwardly smiled. There was clapping from them all.

One, though, caught your attention the most out of all of them. He had an ice pack on his head, A white shirt with little rat doodles on it and rainbow overalls along with purple pants. Your eyes locked for a second but then you both awkwardly looked away. "Now! How about we all introduce ourselves, here let's start off with P00FYZ and SN00TZ!" Poofyz and snootz both stepped up, they seemed like best friends and they were incredibly nice. Poofyz has a beanie on with a blue sweater with a black heart on the side and black pants while snootz had a flower crown, scissors on her head, a matching sweater but in pink, and polka dotted pants. Something was off though, she didn't have a mouth..

Just as you were about to comment on her missing mouth, poofyz jolted foward and happily introduced herself "Hiee!! my names poofyz! it's so nice to meet you, how are you? are you good! I see you got a few boo-boos! it's ok though, you'll be fine with the help of G0Z!! I'm so glad you get to stay with us!" Poofyz seemed pretty cheerful "Thanks Poof!" You smiled and moved onto snootz. Snootz looked at you "Hello there!" You sort of jumped back a little "H-How can you talk?" Snootz didn't answer the question and just smiled "I'm so glad you get to stay with us, I hope you get along with everyone here!" You smiled awkwardly "Ah! yes! I will"

You moved onto the next one, and this time it was the one that you locked eyes with. For some reason you felt incredibly flustered around this one. Something told you that he did as well. You both just awkwardly stared at each other before starting a conversation. Then you both started talking at the same time "Hi my name is-" You both stopped immediately then awkwardly chuckled "You go first" he offered "No, no, you go first. I want to know your name" That made him blush a little, he put his arm behind his neck and laughed a bit "My names zoozy, what's yours?"

"my names Y/N" you chuckled nervously. "That's a beautiful name" He stopped and blushed "i don't mean it like- N-not like that, Yknow just a..Just a solid compliment haha" He started to blush more which also made you blush "no its- it's okay haha" "You should probably get going now ahah..yeah, you got others to meet.."

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