Chapter 9||Breakfast

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Zoozy and you were sitting across from each other on the table, Poofyz walked up to the table with a plate in her hands and put the plate on the table. "Here ya go you two!" she smiled "Enjoy!" You thanked poofyz and looked at the delicious pancakes piled up on each other, they were chocolate chip too! You grabbed the chocolate syrup from the side of the table and dumped it on all of it.

"Look at this!" Zoozy smiled. You Looked at it as well "It looks delicious!!" Zoozy grabbed a separate plate from the side of the table and put one of the pancakes onto his plate and immediately started consuming it. You did the same.

After 20 minutes everyone finished up, the bakery was full of chatter with everyone there. After breakfast they'd just sit and talk until the circus opens. You and zoozy placed the plates aside as snootz came to pick them up and wash them. Zoozy looked at you, "Hey, So I was thinking.." You looked up instantly "Wanna hangout in my room today? I have video games we can play!

"Do you like minecraft?" He asked. You smiled "I've never gotten the chance to play it, my step mom was.." you looked down. He grabbed your chin and gently put it up "It's okay, today can be your first day." He smiled and took his hand from your chin. You looked him in the eye, your eyes were twinkling. You blushed "I would love that."

He blushed too for a second, this time, his eyes also twinkled. "Well, that's good to know!" he chuckled. His voice was so soothing to you. It relaxed you, it made you blush. He's perfect. The clock hit 11 AM and everyone stood up, zoozy walked with you as you followed everyone. He brushed out your shirt. "You gotta look good for the big introduction!" He smiled, grabbing your hand. You tightly gripped onto it as you two frolicked to the funhouse stage.

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