Chapter 8||In love

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As you and zoozy were walking to the rooms he picked you up in his arms, You were startled yet extremely flustered. "Z-ZOOZY, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" you looked him in the eye as your face was burning. "I'm just being a gentlemen, You shouldn't have to walk" He looked you in the eye as he said it which made you feel...strange. You felt your stomach drop but not in a bad way, not like the way you felt at home.

You felt something good..Something..Wait...Love? It was too late for you now. You've fallen. Cmon it's my first day and I already- Zoozy opened the door to your room and placed you gently onto your bed. He stood up. "You know, You're a nice friend." He looked at you and smiled, then he leaned into your ear.

"I don't usually tell anyone this but...You're welcome in my room whenever you'd like. Don't tell anyone" He smiled and stood up. "Anyways, It's getting late, and tomorrow you get to make your first appearance in the circus! Get a good night sleep, K?" You smiled back "Will do, zooz."
You both smiled. Zoozy walked out and gently closed your door, walking back to his room smiling.

It was 6 AM now, your alarm clock rung. Instead of dreading to wake up you jolted up in excitement, You smiled just by looking at your new room. It had everything you liked, it was amazing. You heard a knock on your door, so you went up to it and opened it. It was zoozy! He looked up at you and smiled, "Hey there morning bird!" He laughed.

"Let's go get breakfast, eh?" He grabbed your hand without thinking and stopped for a second, you both stared at each other. You smiled, then so did he. You didn't let go. "Yeah, let's go get breakfast!" You ran while he was holding your hand which pulled him foward, almost making him trip but he picked up the pace. You arrived at the bakery and saw everyone there, literally everyone. Yukc0, G0Z, Caroline, Clinten, SN00TZ & P00FYZ behind the counter making breakfast, and fodloca. Zoozy sat you down at a table.

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