Chapter 10|| You're famous!

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You and zoozy both stepped onto the stage, you both stepped on a platform circle thing. It shot up into the air slowly, taking you to another room above the funhouse, it was a room where you hide in before the show starts. It looked pretty cozy. "Here we can chill until we introduce you!" you looked around "Isnt it supposed to be with everyone else?"

Zoozy smiled "I asked G0Z for it to be just with us" You blushed, then smiled. "I like this better anyway" Zoozy smiled. He sat down in one of seats in the small room, you sat next to him. You were tired, you couldn't help but just....fall asleep.. so you did. You fell asleep on his shoulder. He was extremely flustered and flinched when your head touched his shoulder, but then he let it happen. You could sense him smiling. You dozed off to sleep not thinking about the fact you had a show.

It has been half an hour and zoozy woke you up. "Hey, wake up sleepyhead! We got a show to perform in!" He picked you up in his arms and slowly put you down. You yawned. "Thanks zooz" He smiled and took your hand as he stepped on the platform, you stepped on it with him.

You felt the platform shake and as it slowly moved down you saw G0Z and the others sitting on the benches, along with a crowd of people. The platform rested itself on the floor. You looked around the colorful area, you saw rows of colorful shirts. You turned your focus onto G0Z as he picked up the microphone. "Hellooo, Hello? Is this thing on? heheheh, of course it is."

The crowd of people silenced. "Thank you all for coming today! As you were promised, Later on you will be given a real show, But as of right now we would like you to meet our newest member of the circus!" Everyone turned their focus onto you, you felt scared but also happy. G0Z spoke again, "So as I was saying, I would like you all to meet the great..The amazing...The legendary Y/N!" the spotlight shined on you as everyone started to clap and whistle at you. You smiled so big, this was a dream come true.

Zoozy turned to look at you, then hugged you. Everyone awed. You blushed, so did he. G0Z smiled. Today was amazing..

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