17.why is avni hiding ??

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avni was about to open it but dadi calls her..

neil: thank god...

dadi: avni we are going to palace get ready..

avni: which palace dadi..

dadi: udaipur palace 

avni(in mind): if i will go there they will recognize then all will get to know who am i? no these can't be happen 

avni: i will not come dadi as i am having head ache

neil(in mind): why her expression changed when dadi took palace name what is she hiding??..

dadi: but beta they will me waiting for us 

avni: who dadi..

dadi: king and queen as i have promised them..

Avni: why dadi..

dadi: it's not right time to tell you get ready as neil is waiting down..

Avni: sure dadi..

she goes along with her

neil(in mind): oh shit i have to go down and i have to change the dress..

nelly jumps from the window here and goes to his room and changes his dress and stands out side as if he is awaiting for them..

neil drives the car and avni was little tensed...

avni messages amar...for solution...

amar calls her..avni picks it up..

avni: haa

amar: di be careful if they caught you they will not allow you to come back..

avni: why are you scaring me...she speaks loud..

neil: who is scaring you avni...

avni: i was joking...actually i am on call...

neil: fine why are you shouting are you sacred...

avni: no nothing 

they reach to the palace and avni was little tensed...

and avni covers her face with scarf...

neil: are you okay..

avni: shall i leave from here....

neil: no sorry..

avni: go i will come 

neil: no if you will run from here dadi will scold me..

avni: okay...

ali aliya dadi steps down from another car...and they turns back..

dadi: avni lets go why are covering your face 

avni: dadi sunlight...

dadi: okay 

neil goes with them while avni looks here and there..and slowly goes beside them..

all welcomes them 

avni hesitates to look at them..


women: 1 min who are you??

avni stops..

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