19.Nelly/Neil ..

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Amar cuts the call.

ali,neil,alia, dadi comes out of the palace...

Avni was about to go but stops as she hears Neil calling her 

neil: where are you going??

avni gives angry look

neil: sorry while catching his ears...

all burst in laughter by seeing neil....

avni: i will back in 1 hour 

neil: okay take care sweet heart

avni: i will he says in anger..

all goes from there....to there home

neil: dadi i will just come i have a work

dadi: okay 

neil goes from there 

and after an hour....a person enters there...

person: hi..

avni: hi are you sure you got correct information...

person: yes and gives her a file

avni: you may go..

person goes from there...

avni was about to open but stops as finds some one entering..

avni: R u following me...

neil: no never....

avni: then why are here....

neil: ooh

avni: what??

neil: i just..

avni: u just..

neil: i am

avni: speak up your wasting my precious time...if you move a side i will go...

neil moves a side...

avni goes from there..

neil(in mind): why are getting scared of her...i have to think something that i will spill out of beans..

some one collide with avni...

avni punches him....and the person falls down in pain...

avni leaves from there

and neil opens his mouth like a fish..

at night:

Avni was waiting in the room...

nelly enters there...

Avni: oh you came actually i was waiting for you.

neil(in mind): waiting for me wow..comes out of traces he changes his voice

nelly: why??

Avni: i want to sleep..

neil(in mind): she can sleep right then why she is waiting....

nelly: can't you sleep alone...

avni: i can but i don't like disturbance and you can sleep with me on the bed...

neil(in mind): wow neil you got a chance...

Nelly: okay...

avni goes to the bed and nelly also joins 

neil(in mind): how cute she is looking i want to cuddle with her 

avni: nelly can i asking you something 

nelly: yeah..

avni : were is your husband...

neil(In mind): even i don't know when ever i get excited she will spoil my excitement and she will scare hell out of me..

♥ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝❤Where stories live. Discover now