20.Karate black belt..

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Avni:where is you husband..

nelly: he left me..while making up a story he speaks what were comes in his mind..

weather he knows he is pressing wrong nerve

Avni: what??you know all mens are same..

nelly: no all mens are not same...

avni: yes all are same..

nelly: example neil is nice guy..

avni: no he is not...

nelly jumps and sat on the bed with shock..

nelly: why??

avni: you know what neil's left his gf..

nelly: i heard that she left him..

avni: no he left her like every men leave him what about your husband..

neil(In mind) how will i know why he left neil think about something different other wise she will get doubt 

nelly: he left me after our wedding and till know he didn't returned..

avni: see i told you every men will at there wedding or after wedding you should have punched him...

nelly: you know fighting..

avni: yes i know 

nelly: how...

avni: i am Karate black belt..

nelly/neil(in mind): neil you loved a girl who hates men and then she has karate black belt means it will be risky if she comes to know i am neil then..

neil no no think positive 

he imagined him getting caught and avni beating him...

while he was in pain..

neil was sweating badly while avni was going on speaking...

by mistake avni pushed neil....

neil falls down 

avni: nelly nelly 

neil shouts in pain..

avni: are you neil??

neil(in mind): neil you stupid is she really find out who am i...

neil changes voice..

Nelly: no where is neil...

Avni: no i have heard neil voice when you have fallen down...

Nelly: why you pushed me...

avni: i am sorry and makes him/her helps him to sit on the bed...

avni: can i ask you something..

Nelly: sure..

neil(in mind): i am go went gone know

avni: can you do Karate with me..

precap: will neil/nelly will agree to do karate with avni??

♥ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝❤Where stories live. Discover now