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nelly: Avni leave all these can i ask you a question

avni: yes you can..

nelly: did you ever fall in love??

avni: love is worst thing..

nelly: love is beautiful 

avni:i hate love,being in love i never want it to happen again...

Nelly: that means you are deeply in love..

neil(in mind): it means she loves some one..

Avni: yes i used to be but he made my love as joke.

nelly: who the hell is he??

Avni: he is my fiance who left me on my engagement day and proved me that love doesn't exist and all mens are same he is one who said yes to these marriage then i proceed further but he proved me that love is selfish..

Nelly: means you are about to get engaged 

Avni: yes i was so excited to meet him

nelly: matlab you didn't see him..

Avni: yeah i didn't but we have couple of conversation on phone he used to flirt with me and day before the engagement he even talked to me he said he was excited to meet me...

i thought he is genuine guy..

nelly sees Avni's tears which were about to fall..

neil(in mind): he is such an idiot but any why i got chance first i have to change her prescription about love..

Nelly: Avni love can happen twice..

Avni: no way it can't happen i will not break my heart again love is waste of time leave all these when did you see him for 1st time.. 

nelly: haa...he remembers for the 1st when he seen her

flash back:

his eyes travel's to a person who was crossing the road...

while the girl just smiled at the child who waved his seeing her smile..

neil lips curved into smile..the innocence in her eyes that reflects her heart...

neil took his phone and took photo of her while the girl was passed near to his car...finally she cross the road..

flash back ends

Avni: good ni8 saying these she sleeps and other hand neil didn't sleep for the whole night thinking who might be the person..

next mrng:

nelly leave Avni's room and goes to his room..

Avni phone rings..

amar: di gud mrng did you see the details..

Avni: no after seeing i will call you back..saying these she cuts the call..

Avni finds the file opens she sees details of that person and she sees  the photo she got shock of her life and file slipped from her hand she sat with a thud with tears in her eyes....

♥ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝❤Where stories live. Discover now