4.Avni 🆚 Neil

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neil was tried all his away's to find her weakness but in return he didn't found any weakness of her..

neil: she doesn't have any weak point.....that is strange or people don't know about her weakness...

for the first time neil felt like losing...he never met failure in his life....

he has to bent his head in front of women to convince her as he doesn't have any option left over.....

neil started throwing every thing in his room...room was messed up...as first neil got defeated that to by a women....

flash back:

neil's grand mother and neil's sister where seeing bride photos for neil.....

neil's sister Alia has selected  a girl's photo while neil's grand mother also agreed to her as she is beautiful...

Alia: dadi neil bhai will like her.....i bet you...

dadi: no his choice will be better then us...

Alia: bhai will do love marriage 

dadi: love + arrange marriage....

neil was hearing all the conversion........and suddenly dadi called neil..

dadi: neil we have selected the girl for you...or u will bring your gf to the wedding it's your choice and you have only one day time....

so all the best beta....

flash back ends...

while Alia and dadi hi-fied each other......no body noticed them...

here avni is seen entering in to the house while a boy comes there running to her...

amar: di look at these...he shows something to her.....

avni: oh wow nice painting but something is missing in these painting.....

amar: your smile di that you have lost years back......

avni : amar i don't want to talk about that..

amar: till how many days you di.....

here something strikes in neil mind..

neil: 1 min her full name is Avni Amar right...so amar...so miss avni be ready as you are going to face me......

neil calls someone and said something...

neil: so miss avni you don't have any other option other then being my girlfriend...but who is amar??..

neil phone rings..

person: the name Amar even doesn't exist...

neil was shocked......

person: only one option you have sir that is you have to meet her....

how will neil convince avni??? and for the first time neil has to bow is head to a women to convince her??

♥ 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐇𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝❤Where stories live. Discover now