Chapter Sixteen: My Cards Are All On The Table

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Bright light danced at the edge of my eyelids. A fluffy pillow lay under my head. Something was wrong, my pillow didn't smell fresh. It smelt of hospitals and it was all stingy. I sat and up and opened my eyes. The room was bright white and somehow my new favorite TV show, Glee, that I discovered with Danielle and Eleanor was playing on the TV. The pain was actually gone and there were IV's up my arm. I pulled out my phone and read the tweets and the Instagram mentions. They were all so nice.

"They were worried about us, sweetheart." I cooed to my tummy, "I hope they love you when you come, like I do already." I smiled.

Niall's Point of View

I ran down the backstage concert halls.

"Please let Alex be ok!" I said to no one in particular.

"Yeah, what would have caused her to faint?" Liam asked. This guilty feeling washed over me because I could tell what was wrong.

"I...I don't know Liam." I mumbled and threw my outfit off, but folded it gingerly. I changed into sweats and ran out to the SUV. Melissa rolled down the passenger window, her eyes were red and sore-looking. My heart sank as I jumped in the backseat and the boys filled the back. Harry and I exchanged a look and we both shared the same thought. His hands were shaking and he put a comforting hand on Melissa's shoulder. Melissa jumped at his surprise touch, but then scrambled for his hand. If Alex only knew, she would have a stroke. I flew out of the car and ran inside. I ran to the woman at the front. "Alexandria Micheals." I said. The woman smiled and tapped on her keyboard.

"Oh, I'm sorry dear. Family only in the prenatal unit." The boys whispered in confusion. She smiled her tight, tired smile. She must've been here for hours.

"W-well..." I murmured.

"We are family! Melissa Grace, Lexi's sister, Niall Grace, her brother, and umm..." Melissa blurted and grabbed for Liam. "Liam Micheals, her um...husband, and Harry and Zayn Grace, fraternal twins." Melissa smiled like that made complete sense. The nurse peered at us suspiciously.

"Ok go ahead," she smiled, "Hope she feels better." Melissa smiled and pulled us all through the halls.

"Oh my gosh, you are an amazing liar." Zayn laughed.

"And good on your feet." Harry added. Melissa winked and we stopped at the room. A small Asian woman in a white coat and chrome clipboard was walking up to the room.

"Oh hello everyone." The woman smiled, "I'm Dr. Martin and you must be Alexandria's brothers and sister and husband, the nurse filled me in." She smiled.

"Can you tell us what's wrong please?" I squeaked.

"Well she suffered a miscarriage and lost one of her babies." The boys gasped.

"She was pregnant?" Liam said.

"Yes Mr. Micheals." She said and cocked her head. Wait...did she just say 'one of her babies'?! As in plural?

"What do you mean 'one of her babies'?" I asked.

"She was carrying twins, a baby girl and a baby boy. The boy, sadly didn't make it." She said. My voice caught in my throat. A baby boy? I bit my lip.

"Can I see, please?" I mumbled.

"Of course." She opened the door and let me in. Alex was sitting on her bed, smiling down at her phone. She was whispering to her baby...our baby. She looked so happy and serene now that her pain was gone.

"Hey Niall." She smiled up me, which grinded my already broken heart into dust.

"H-hey Alex." I murmured.

"What's wrong?" Her forehead creased.

"Well...the baby."

"Yeah?" Her voice cracked.

"There was two..."

"Really?" Her eyes lit up.

"I said was." I mumbled.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"I mean that you lost a baby boy." She shook her head.

"A b-baby boy? I'm s-so stupid...I should've gotten checked out, this wouldn't have happened!" She sobbed.

"Do NOT blame yourself Alex, you still have a beautiful baby girl, little Elizabeth." I said, tears slipping out of my eyes. She looked at me in disbelief. She suddenly wrapped her arms around me in a grateful hug.

"At least you're here for me." She managed a weak smiled and took a deep breath, "I think I'm ready to see my sister, the boys are tomorrow after I check out." She said bravely.

"Ok." I stepped to the door and peeked my head out.

"Is everything ok?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah, but I need Melissa." I said. The blonde jumped up from Harry's arms and raced into the room. A silent thought passed between the girls and they embraced eachother in a hysterically crying mess. Melissa was actually crying more than Alex. She was a brave girl.

"Shh...Melissa, its ok." Alex cooed to her sister. Her sister pulled out at arms' length to look at Alex. "I'm ok." Alex assured Melissa. Melissa smiled.

"Good." She hugged Alex again squeezing her tight.

"I still have a beautiful baby girl for you to play with in 5-6 months." Alex laughed weakly.

"I-I can't wait." Melissa's tears flowed again, but they were more peaceful and relieved. "Do you want to talk to the boys?"

"Tomorrow. After I checkout."

Harry's POV

Lexi was finally getting out today. Finally! Time to tell the boys more secrets. I practiced my surprised face in the bathroom mirror.

"Babe what are you doing?!' Melissa strode up to the door, her blonde hair pulled into a high ponytail, a white t-shirt, and some comfortable skinny jeans.


"For what? The biggest dork contest?" Melissa.

"A smartass ehh? Just like your sister." I smirked.

"Yep just like Lex." Melissa winked. I rolled my eyes and pushed her out the bathroom.

"Hi-ho! Hi-ho! To the hospital we go!" Louis sing-songed.

"Harry, I think you might have some competish in the dork contest." Melissa laughed. We ran out to the parking lot. The SUV was gone.

"Damnit Liam and Niall!" Louis growled and walked back inside.

" we have to wait!" Melissa pouted. She ran inside and I turned around to head inside when I saw a dot in the corner of my eye. The SUV was driving up. It stopped in front of me and Lexi, Niall, and Liam stepped out. Lexi looked exhausted.

"Hey Haz." Lexi smiled. Her smile brightened up my day, knowing that she was stronger and ready to move on. We all walked inside and Lexi said hello to everyone.

"Things aren't going to be different, are they?" Lou asked.

"Never, Lou." Alex smiled.

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