I'm here

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Once we parked we ran into the hospital.

"Hey no running! " The receptionists said.

"Sorry ma'am um where can we find sam golbach?" I asked. She looked through her computer. 'Come on woman I don't have all day he could be-'

"Ah found him, he's on the third floor he isn't allowed visitors yet so please wait in the waiting room. Have a good day" She said. We all walked over to the elevator and went to the third floor. We walked out to the living room and I saw colby I walked straight to him and sat next to him. He looked at me I could tell he was crying so I hugged him and just held him for a bit. I could tell he was trying not to cry cause I could his soft whimpers it was just breaking my heart to listen to that.

"Hey wanna go out in the hallway for a bit?" I asked him through a whisper.  He nodded and leaned back from the hug. I took his hand and we went out towards the hall, we stopped at the end.

"Do you want to talk or do you just want a shoulder to cry on?" I asked.

"Shoulder to cry on with a hug please" He asked.

"Order up now come here" I said. He came towards me and hugged me I hugged back of course and just let him cry it out, I cried a bit as well.

We stayed there for around 20 minutes just comforting each other. We finally stopped crying. Colby looked at me.

"Thank you" He said. And gave me another hug.

"Of course colbs I'll always be here for you" I said as I hugged him back. We both ended the hug and talked while walking back to everyone. We sat there for what felt like years.

"Family for sam golbach?" The doctor said. We all jumped and practically ran to him.

"That's us" we said in unison.

"Ok, so sam got stabbed in the side he was lucky it didn't hit anything important and mainly just cut some tissues which caused some pretty bad bleeding he was given blood, and stitches he is just healing now so he should be able to leave in a few days. You may go see him." The doctor.

"Thank you" We said. He showed us to Sam's room. We were kinda hesitant to go in but we did.

"Hey guys" Sam said his voice raspy.

"Hey sam" We said.

"How you doing sam?" Colby asked.

"Fine brother, I'm beyond so grateful that you guys found me. I honestly thought I was going to die" Sam said.

"Sam we would never let you die" Said Kat.

"I know you guys wouldn't which is why I love you guys so much" He said.

"Aw sammy we love you too" I said.

We just sat in his room and talked for a few hours until we had to leave, we all said our good byes and left kay dropped me and colby off at our place.

"Bye Kat, bye Ari love you guys" I said.

"Bye" they said as they drove off. Me and colby went to our apartment.

"Today was something" I said walking inside.

"It sure was" colby said closing the door. We went to the living room and just sat and talked for a while.

"Hey Lillian" He asked.

"Yes" I replied.

"Do you ever feel like there's just someone who you feel like you've known forever but have only really known them for a little bit" He asked. I Made eye contact with him.

"Yes I do" I said.

"Who if it's okay to ask" He said. I laughed.

"It's fine colby, I won't say who but it's with someone who has helped me a lot or I should say someone who saved me" I said as I layed my head on his shoulder.

"Could you tell me what they look like" He said. 'You know it's you, you just want me say it'

"Hmm let's see, he's tall, has blue eyes, and pretty emo. That enough for you." I said giggling.

"Plenty" He said laughing. He put his arm around me and we watched movies and fell asleep cuddling.

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