take a chance

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I got interrupted by a call I checked to see who it was, it was ari I had to take this but what should I tell colby.

"It's ari can I take this real quick and then I will answer your question?" I asked.

"Yeah" He said as he looked down. I instantly felt so guilty even though I haven't even made a decision.

"I'll be right back I promise, thank you" I said getting up and walking to the side. I answered the call.

"Hey ari I need to talk to you about something it's urgent" I said.

"Of course Lillian what is it?" She asked. I took a breath.

"Colby asked me to be his girlfriend and I don't know if I should say yes or wait it out. I mean yeah he's cute, sweet and very caring he's literally the most precious thing on earth, but I don't want to ruin our friendship or the group what should I do ari help I'm freaking out I don't know what to do am I rambling I think I am wha-" I said into the phone.

"Lillian calm down love its all going to be okay. You know Lillian I've said this since the beginning I think you should say yes you clearly care for him and he cares for you that's more than you know who. So yes Lillian say yes you have to you're meant for each other" Ari said. I took a deep breath.

"You're right okay I will" I said.

"Aaaaaaaah I'm so happy for you. Girl you are finally moving on i- why am I still talking girl go tell him" She said. I laughed.

"Ok ok, I will. Bye" I said.

"Bye" She said. Then I hung up I went back to colby. He looked up at me I sat next to him.

"So?" He asked. I giggled.

"Yes colby I will be your girlfriend" As soon as I said that I saw the brightest smile I've ever seen on his face. I smiled with him.

"I honestly can't believe this we're official" He said. I hugged him.

"Yes we are" I replied. I kissed him and we continued the "hang out" Then we hiked back down to the car.

"Today was an amazing day, thank you colby for taking me here"

"Don't thank me Lillian I don't need it. But thank you for giving me a chance. I know your last relationship was bad but I hope I can show you how good a relationship can be, that's my goal to show you that this will be your perfect relationship" He said. 'Oh my god he is literally the sweetest person in the world'

"Are you trying to make me cry colbs" I said. He looked at me.

"No I'm not just showing you I care" He said. I hugged him trying not to cry but it didn't work I was crying. Colby was rocking me.

"Why are you crying Lillian? " He asked. I looked up at him.

"Cause I didn't think anyone honestly cared for me. And you just keep proving me wrong, and I thank you for that" I said as I rested my head on his chest. He kissed my forehead.

"Always Lillian" He said.

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