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"I don't think I'm ever up this early" Colby said taking a seat in the booth.

"Babe it's only nine am" I said.

"Exactly it's way too early" Colby said. I took a seat next to him kat and ari took a seat across from us.

"Oh come on Colby it's not that bad. Now stop whining and decide what to eat" Kat said.

"So lillian how about we have a little girls night tomorrow you need to rest for today" Ari said.

"Of course! I miss our girls night. We can all go and buy matching pj's too" I said bouncing in my seat Colby had to hold me down cause I was just so excited. Kat and ari were excited too. The waiter came over and we ordered. Not long after we ate our food.

"We will see you in a few hours to go shopping. So have fun with Colby while you can cause we will be back soon" Kat said.

"Ok- hey! " I said. Colby picked me up I smack him on the head.

"Ow why did you do that? " He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why did I do it? Cause you're taking me away from best friends without letting me say bye. That's why I did it" I replied. Colby put me down and I hugged Kat and ari.

"Bye" I said they said bye and I left with Colby

"Now where are we going? " I asked him he just smiled at me.

"You'll see soon" He said as we got in the car he started driving. We arrived at an amusement park.

"Oh my god Colby you didn't" I said getting excited. Colby parked the car.

"I did" He said. He then got out and opened the door for me. I got out the car, bouncing impatiently with the excitement flowing through me. I heard Colby chuckling, I blushed and looked down. 'Why am I looking away? Not like he hasn't seen me blush before' I felt his his finger lift my chin up so my eyes could meet his. Those ocean blue eyes staring right back at me, filled with so much love. How could a guy like him like a girl like me.

"Hey, don't look away when you blush. It's cute" he told me. I immediately blushed again and let out a small giggle. He smiled and took my hand in his.

"Come on let's go" he said running with me towards the entrance. I couldn't stop the giggles leaving my mouth, not that I wanted to. We got to the entrance and I noticed he was about to run past the ticket booth.

"Hey babe? " I asked, causing him to come to a stop. He turned towards me a small smile pulling at his lips. 'Wonder what that's about'

"Yeah princess?" He responded. I pointed at the booth.

"Don't we need to pay?" I asked. He only smiled before pulling me to him. I looked up at him with a curious look.

"What did you do Brock" I said. He only laughed.

"I rented the place out for a few hours. Just you, me, and an empty amusement park" he said with the biggest smile. My mouth dropped.

"No way. Are you serious!" I said my voice full of excitement.

"One hundred percent" he replied. I screamed as I jumped onto him. My legs around his waist, arms around his neck. I kissed him and made sure to show him how happy I was. He smiled into the kiss then pulled away and looked at me.

"So what first?" He asked. I looked at him and pondered for a second.

"Bumper cars. I demand piggy back ride to the bumper cars. Onward!" I demanded in a jokingly manor. I heard him let out his beautiful laugh, causing me to smile even more.

"My pleasure my lady" he said chuckling as he carried me to our destination. 'This will be a fun day.' I smiled to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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