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3 weeks later

I woke up in a hospital bed 'why am I here, what happened' I thought that's when the doctor came in.

"Ah Lillian nice to know you're awake" The doctor said.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well Lillian you went into a servere shock which caused you to passed out" He explained. 'Shock what could've caused me to go into shock'

"You have temporary memory loss, your memory should be back within the next few weeks. The nurse will be in to check on you" He said walking out.

"Memory loss" I whispered to myself.

A man with brown hair and ocean blue eyes came into the room he looked at me sympathetically and came towards me.

"Look Lillian you probably don't remember me but I will still always be there for you" He said. Something sparked.

"Colby?" I whispered looking at the ground. I noticed he moved so I looked at him.

"Are you Colby?" I asked him.

"Yes I am Lillian" He said.

I looked at him I noticed how beautiful his eyes are, how soft his lips looked, the way that the brown fadded into the red. I noticed he saw me staring I blushed and looked away. He laughed I started laughing with him.

"Where's ari or kat?" I asked

"They'll be here soon" Colby said.

"Can you tell me about us?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Ok so I am your boyfriend we started dating a little over a month ago we always call each other pet names and I love to scare you. You like to climb me so I call you my little koala or I recently started calling you princess. " He said. I started to get a headache.

"If it's ok with you I'm gonna take a nap my head hurts" I said.

"Of course it's okay. Did you want me to leave?" He asked. I thought about it for a second.

'Do I want him to leave I mean he's my boyfriend? But it's kinda awkward for him to just watch me sleep right? I think for now he should leave'

"Yeah. But will you come back later?' I ask him. He looked a little sad and I don't know why but it broke my heart.

" Of course I'll be back. Bye Lillian and I hope you feel better soon " He said. And just like that he was gone.

'Why do I feel like I just kicked out a piece of me. Is he really that important to me? I don't usually have a connection like this I don't think I ever have so what is it about him? Ugh I'm just making this headache worse time to sleep' with that I fell asleep.

It was dark I heard people some I knew and some I did not.

"Hello Lillian"

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