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"W-where a-am i?" I asked hesitantly.

"Your conscious Lillian. You want your memories don't you?" They asked.

"Yeah. So what do I have to do?" I asked.

"Go through your past Lillian, and with your past unlocks the present then you can go back to focusing on the future" And with that he was gone.

Out of no where I was in my house I saw my mother on the floor holding a note. She was crying then at the top of the staircase stood me I was 9 I didn't understand why she was crying so I called out to her.

"Mommy?" I asked from the top of the stairs.

"Lillian I'm sorry to say this but daddy's gone he's not coming back" My mother said holding back tears.

"What why?" I said I remember I was crying. I loved my dad so much it hurt when I found out he was gone forever.

All of a sudden I got a sharp pain and the scene changed I was on the floor holding onto my stomach my mother standing over me with a knife. 'I don't remember this. This has to be a bad dream it can't be real she would ne-'

"Oh sweetheart you never knew your mother you only saw a persona. She wanted you dead since you've been born. She never wanted a child, but she didn't want to kill a child so she waited until you were old enough and she attempted to kill you. Let's see how this went shall we" They said. 'Who was this person' I thought.

"Wh-why wo-would you d-do thisss" I hissed out in pain.

'I don't understand why couldn't she have just given me away or put me up for adoption.'

"Cause you mean nothing to me once your father left I didn't want you anymore but I didn't want to kill you that young so I waited until you were older and today was the perfect day" she said.

I was shocked I couldn't believe what I was hearing or seeing. I remember after that I tried calling everyone no one answered I was hopeless I just accepted fate that's when colby called I told him to come over. He came and he calmed me down the paramedics came and took me to the ambulance colby came with me I was going in of it conscious but he said something I didn't register it then but I remember now he was talking to the doctor asking if I would be okay the doctor said I should be if we get there fast enough then colby said "please don't let this angel of a girl die I love her so much" I miss him. I love him.

"Good Lillian you remember colby you remember your feelings now you will wake up and tomorrow we will focus on the next forgotten" The voice was fading out.

"Wait! Who are you" I asked desperately.

"I'm someone who watches. That's all you need to know. Goodbye Lillian"

I woke up breathing fast. 'I need to call colby I need him' I grabbed my phone and went to my contacts and called colby.

"Hello? " I heard his raspy beautiful voice guess he was sleeping.

"Colby" I said.

"Lillian, are you okay" He asked.

"Yes I'm okay but can you come here please I missed you" I said.

"Yeah of course I'll be there. Wait a minute you missed me does that me-"

"Just get over here" I interrupted him

"I'll be there soon princess" And with that he hung up.

'Everytime he calls me princess I always get a feeling. But we're not doing that. '

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