Wither Curse?

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Sky's P.O.V

Jason has been gone for a long time.

"Where's Jason?" Ty asks. I look out towards the gate. I will go and find him.

"I'll go and find him. You guys do what you need to do." They nod and I walk down the hallway. Someone grabs my arm and turns me around. It's Kitty.

"What if it's a trap Sky?" Kitty asks. I look at her. She thinks that I will fall for a trap. Just goes to show about how much she doesn't know me.

"Kitty I will be fine."


"Kitty I promise that I will be fine." Kitty hugs me. I smile.

"What if you go missing like Jason?" Kitty asks. I wrap my arms around her.

"If I go missing then when I come back you can slap me." Kitty laughs. Jerome walks pass us.

"Cute." Jerome said. I look at him.

"Really Jerome."

"What did I kill the moment?" Jerome asks. He kind of did.

"Yeah you did." Kitty said.

"It's my job." Jerome said. He leaves us.

"Jerome always has a comment." I look at Kitty.

"Promise you'll come back ok?" Kitty asks.

"I promise." She kisses me.

"I'll hold you to that." Kitty said. We smile. She walks away from me. I put my hands in my coat pocket. I head to the stables. I open the stable door and pull my horse out. I shut the door and walk my horse outside.

"Where you going Sky?" Ian asks. I climb on my horse.

"Going to look for Jason. It's not like him to be late for something."

"Good luck." Ian said. I head out and go towards the forest. Knowing him he would go there.

Kitty's P.O.V

After Sky left I went into a room. I forget which, but I see Seto. I sit across from him.

"What are you doing?" He looks at me.

"Well we have been getting sightings of unusual activity. Sky and I have been looking into it. We have nothing so far." Seto said. I open up a book. It shows a black flying creature. With three heads and it black as the night.

"Hey what about this book?" Seto looks at it. He takes it. 

"This one has nothing neither." Seto said. He puts it down and was about to close it when he looks at a page. 


"O no." Seto said. 

Sky's P.O.V

I think I see Jason. He is laying on the ground. I run next to him. I roll him over. His skin is turning black. My eyes widen. This can't be the Wither Curse can it? I hear a twig snap. I don't turn around. It is nothing. 

"Jason you will be fine." He looks at me. 

"R-Really?" Jason asks. 

"It's not tha-" Something hits my back. I scream. 

"S-Sky." Jason said. I put my hands on the ground. Well Kitty gets to slap me. I feel my back. Did something just whip me? I turn around. Nothing is there. That felt like a thousand needles were going into my back. 

"I'm f-fine. Can you move?" Jason tries to sit up, but he falls back down. 

"Nope." Jason said. I stop. Someone else is here. I hear a bow. I turn around and catch an arrow. Mods come out. My eyes widen. There are too many for me to protect Jason and fight them at the same time. I will have to flee. 

"Jason." I drop the arrow and grab Jason. My horse is gone. This day keeps getting better. I would use my brine powers but that could hurt Jason. Unless. I look around. I see a cave. I run towards it. I put Jason down. 

"What are you doing?" Jason asks. I run outside. The mods were and still are following. The base will see this. I pull out my sword. Ok I fell into a trap. 

Jerome's P.O.V

Mitch comes running in. He stops next to me. 

"Your late again." He looks at me. 

"I forgot ok." Mitch said. I am not surprise. I'm surprise that he even remembers his own name sometimes. Seto comes in. 

"Hey." He looks at me. 

"Hey. Where's Sky?" Seto asks. Sky left a little while ago. Seto must need him right now. 

"He left." 

"Where did he go?" Seto asks. He walks towards me. 

"He went to look for Jason." Ian said. Seto looks at Ian. 

"And you let him leave!" Seto yelled. 

"What's the problem?" I don't like how Seto is acting. None of us should. 

"Wither curse is active and out there somewhere. If Sky touches it or the person's skin to whoever has it. He will get it." Seto said. 

"What is Wither curse do?" 

"It can kill whoever has it or turn them evil. So let's hope Sky doesn't find it." Seto  said. Yeah lets. We have already dealt with Skybrine. I don't like Sky's dark side. He can be scary sometimes. But whenever Sky's dark side takes control, you don't want to be near him. 

Sky's P.O.V

I hit another mod. Something hits my back again. I turn around. I see arrows coming at me. If there is arrows in my back then that would be bad. The mods freeze all of a sudden. I stop and spin around. What the? They wither away. My eyes widen. Jason! I look at him. He has his hand up and pointed towards me. His skin is black. Half of his face is black. He starts laughing. It sends chills down my spine. 

"Jason put your hand down." Jason stops and looks at me. 

"Why Sky?" Jason asks. His voice sends chills down my spine. He starts walking towards me. I drop my sword. I am not fighting Jason. Never. 

"Calm down. You are not in control." His eyes are black and his clothes are ripped. 

"'I'm in control Sky." Jason said. I shake my head. I back up as he walks towards me. He grabs me and lifts me off the ground. 

"No your not. Let me take you back. Seto and I can help you." 

"You mean lock me up in the dungeons." Jason said. My eyes widen. 

"I would never do that to you Jason." A black ring forms at our feet. 

"Your lying. I don't like lairs. Bye Sky." Jason said. Then everything went black. 

Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now