Tired? Are you sure?

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Jason's P.O.V

Who are you? My name is Withermu. Well Withermu put Sky down! 

"Your lying. I don't like lairs." Withermu said. He hits Sky with something. 

"No!" He drops Sky. Sky lays on the ground and doesn't even move. What did you do to him?!

"Don't worry he is not dead.....yet." Withermu said. Yet?

"Yeah yet. If your friends don't find him in time, then he will die." Withermu said. No not Sky. He didn't deserve that. 

"Yes he did." Withermu said. 

Kitty's P.O.V

Sky has been gone for a long time now. It is starting to worry me. I look back at the gate. I see a horse coming. I stand up. It's midnight so nobody is here. Well some recruits are here. The horse comes in. He is spooked. I can tell. I grab his reins and calm him down. Sky is not here. I new that this would happen. I climb on the horse.  It leads me into the forest. It goes around for a while. 

"Come on we need to find Sky." He stops. I look around. I see him. I jump off the horse abd run next to Sky. He has arrows in his back and a deep cut. What happen? I put him in my lap. His eyes are close. I grab his wrist. He still has a pulse. Thank god. 

"Wake up. Please. Look at me." He doesn't even move. I know. I put me hand on his chest. A healing spell should work. The cuts on his face disappears. I take my hand off. I look at him. He opens his eyes. 

"I told you that it would be a trap." Sky smiles. I'm just glad he is ok. I hug him. 

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I feel his arms around me. It starts raining on us. I look up. 

"We should get shelter." I stand up and help Sky up. 

"How did you get here?" Sky asks. I look at the horse that....is not even there.

"Well your horse was there. Come on into the cave." Sky sits down and leans on the wall. I look outside. It's pouring and it's freezing.

"You cold?" Sky asks. I look at him.

"A little. Can I?"

"Come here." Sky said. I sit in his lap and put my head on his chest. I feel his arms wrap around me. O my god he's warm and comfy.

"Your so warm. Wait am I hurting you?"

"No your not." Sky said. Good.

"Good night then."

"Night." Sky said. I close my eyes and drift into darkness.  

Ghost's P.O.V

I open a door. I see Ty asleep on the table. I smile. I am mean to wake him up. I close the door. I walk across from him. I change into my ender form. My tail hits him. He sits ups and looks like he almost had a heart attack when he saw me.

"My god Ghost you almost gave me a heart attack." Ty said. I change back. I sit in his lap. He looks like he has not slept in days. I put my arms around his neck.

"When was the last time you had a good night sleep?" He looks at me.

"What day is it?" Ty asks. 


"Monday." Ty said. 

"Ty why? You need sleep." 

"I will go to sleep now.You just have to get off of me." Ty said. I don't want to. I want for him to sleep because he looks really tired. I think that this the perfect moment, after all nobody is here. 

"Yeah I am not moving." Ty looks at me. I laugh. 

"Fine." Ty said. His lap is comfy. 

"Fine I will move, but first." 

"What?" Ty asks. I roll my eyes. I know that boys are clueless but come on. I lean in, and kiss him. I feel his hand go on my neck. I put my hands under his shirt. His skin is rough and smooth at the same time. I hear the door open. O great. I was enjoying this.

"Ok now if you two are going to make out the least you can do is get a room." Someone said. I look at them. What is Robert doing here? 

Robert's P.O.V

I open the door and walk in. I stop. O my god. I wasn't expecting to see Ghost making out with Ty. 

"Ok now if you two are going to make out the least you can do is get a room." Ghost looks at me. 

"Robert." Ghost said. 

"What are doing here?" Ty asks. I look at them. 

"Seto wanted to talk to me I was looking for him. But you guys look busy at the moment." I leave and close the door. I was not expecting that. 

Tay's P.O.V

I see Robert. I run next to him. 

"What you doing here?" He looks at me. 

"Seto wanted to talk to me." Robert said. 

"Did you check the Meeting Hall?" 

"Yeah." Robert said. 

"Was he there?" 

"No but Ghost and Ty were." Robert said. Ghost and Ty were. I'm curious about what they are doing. 

"I saw Seto in the Training Area." 

"Thanks." Robert said. He left me. I turn around. I open the doors to the Meeting hall. I see Ghost on top of Ty. 

"Get a room you two." Ghost looks at me. I stop. 

"What Tay?" Ghost asks. 

"Seto wanted to see you Ty. But you seem busy right now." 

"Where is he?" Ty asks. 

"Training Area." Ghost gets off Ty and he leaves. Ghost looks at me. 

"What?" She looks pissed at me. 

"Way to kill a moment. You could have waited til I was done with him." Ghost said. 

"It's my job." 

"What if I did that to you and Mitch?" Ghost ask. If Ghost ever did that to me. I would be so mad, because I would love it and if she ruined it I would be pissed at her. 

"I would be pissed that you killed the moment." 

"That is how I feel right now." Ghost said. 

"How did you even mange to do that?" 

Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now