How to Save a Life

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Sky's P.O.V

I open my eyes. Someone is holding me. I see long curly blond hair. Kitty. She has her arms wrapped around me tight, but why is she crying on me? It's not like I died or something. I still feel weak, but I can mange to move. We are on the ground. I look up a little. Seto doesn't have the wither curse anymore. I avoided him to turned against us. But I can still hear that I'm the problem in my head. What if he's right and I am the cause of all of this? I lift my arms and wrap them around her slowly. She looks at me instantly. I still see tears coming down her face. I know that the spell I use could have killed me, but I am still here and the curse is gone. 

"Sky! Don't every scare me like that again." She hugs me tighter. I moan. This hurts so much. 

"K-Kitty let g-go." 

"Sorry I forgot that this must hurt you." Kitty said as she let's go of me. I look at Seto. 

"It worked." I look at Kitty. 

"Yes it did." Kitty said. She shouldn't be crying. I wipe her tears away. She grabs my hand as it's on her face. 

"There is no need to cry." She smiles. I put my hand on the floor. 

"What's wrong?" Kitty asks. I look at her. 

"Nothing." She crawls in front of me. She leans in very close to me. 

"I'm not kidding. I can tell something is wrong with you." Kitty said. If she is talking about me being the problem then she is spot on. I can't spot hearing what Seto said to me. Me saying I am being haunted by a nightmare is not want we need right now. 


"Sky come on you can tell me. Come on." Kitty said. She stands up and grabs my hand. She helps me up. We walk down the hallway. Kitty must really want to know about it. We go into a room. This was where I was at for three days. I sit on the edge of the bed. She stands in front of me and crosses her arms. 


"Sky I can sense something has been bothering you. Out with it." Kitty said. I look at the ground. She kneels down to where I can see her eyes. 

"While I was out for three days. I was having a horrible nightmare." 

"So it's been haunting you since you woke up." Kitty said. 

"Yeah. It was in a forest. Withermu was there. It was like the wound I have right now was worst in it. So I could barely stand. Then Seto showed up. He had.." I am trying to contain myself but it's hard. Seeing that made me think of something else that has happen in my life. When my family was killed in front of me when I was little. I can see my mom laying on the floor. Her white blood stain dress and her long blond hair. Her eyes wide open and looking at me with her blood shot eyes. Kitty put her hands on my knees. 

"What did Seto have?" Kitty asks. 

"Wither curse. He turned into Withermu. He starting saying that I'm the problem. Everything that happens is my doing." 

"Sky that's not true. Anything else?" Kitty asks.  

"Seeing what Seto turned into reminded me of something that I never wanted to remember."  

"What is that?" Kitty asks. 

"It.." I can't say it not again. It would break me to say it. Kitty put one of her hand on my face and we meet eye level. 

"You can tell me Sky. If your going to cry I'm right here." Kitty said. I am going to cry. I know I am. 

"It reminded me of when Herobrine killed my mom in front of me when I was little." I feel a tear go down my face. 

"Awh Sky. That nightmare won't come true. You know why?" Kitty asks.


"Because you cure Seto of the Wither curse. Your not the problem. God no. You are a part of the solution. We all are. We are all here for you to support and stand by you. Don't you ever think that your part of the problem. Things happen for a reason and when they do you can't change the outcome of it. I am not agreeing that Herobrine killing your family is a good thing. But it got you friends who love you for you. I have never meant your mom, but I would have loved to. Without you this world would have been ruled by Herobrine. Without you the guys would have died or hated thier life. Without you this world would have died." Kitty said. That was beautiful. She hugs me. I hug her back. We let go. She wipes my face. 

"You okay now?" Kitty asks. 


"Good because I would have felt guilty." Kitty said. 

"For what?" She slaps me. I look at her.

"I told you that was a trap." Kitty said. We start laughing. I forgot that I said that she could slap me if I got hurt. I stand up. 

"I think you should wear a shirt and not only a coat." Kitty said. I forgot about that. 

"Yeah that would be a good idea." I take off my coat and pick up my shirt. I put it on. 

Kitty's P.O.V

"I think you should wear a shirt and not only a coat." 

"Yeah that would be a good idea." Sky said. I am not complaining that he is only wearing a coat. I would prefer that he would dress like that, but since we are doing something he should wear a shirt. He takes off his coat and grabs his shirt. Bandages are on his side and go up to his shoulder. I stare at him. What I can't help it if Sky is shirtless?! He puts it on and puts a coat on. He looks at me. 

"Enjoying yourself over there?" Sky asks. I look at him. 

"Yes." We smile at each other. 

Wow! Over 200 reads! Thanks for the support! It means alot to me! The song is How to Save a Life by The Fray. I love this song. I love alot of songs. but thanks for the support I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Til the next chapter! BBBBBYYYYYEEEE!!! :)


Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now