Author's Note- Sky Army Series

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Last chapter I told you guys I have some things to say and I do. It is about this story. Um. Yeah. Wait no I am not stopping this series or writing this book. (I want to but I won't.)

Let me just say that I never was a fan of the Withermu Fan fiction.  Never read a Withermu fan fiction before. So I have no idea what I am even writing with this story. I am writing it cause you guys wanted it. Don't get me wrong I like Minecraftuniverse. Nothing against him. I am a fan of him. Just not Withermu. That's mostly why this story will be short. The other one is that I am getting bored writing this book. Not the whole Sky Army Series. God no. I love this series. I wouldn't have gotten this far without this series. I will be writing a fourth book. As long as you guys are entertain with this series I won't stop writing for it. Again nothing against Minecraftuniverse. He is like my fourth favorite minecraft youtuber. I know I said that I would try to drag on this story, but the truth is I got nothing for Withermu. I have so many ideas for the next book. That I want to get this one out of the way So that I can start the next one. 

Yeah you guys I wouldn't stop this series. Not as long as I come up with new plots or you guys do for me. This series has done so much for me it's kind of unbelievable. I started this series like October 5. I got about 26 more followers, a lot of votes and views that it blows me mind. When I started this I thought like one or two people would like it. Not this many. I have always been bad at writing stories and such. But since I got a Science project to write a book. My teacher said that it was good enough to publish. My mom read it behind my back. I didn't want for her to read it. She said that I should start writing stories. I did. I never thought I would get far in this. It was like write one story and never come back on again. I had always like Endelox Fan Fiction. So I wrote a chapter. You guys seem to like it. I wrote more. I was going to stop in the middle of the Enderlox book. My friends said that I should do a series. I thought about it. So when I ask you guys. You guys wanted another one. So then came The Deadly Coma. Then came Withermu. 

So to think about it. I would have not wrote stories if my teachers, friends and family said I should. Then this series wouldn't have started without you guys and my friends telling me I should. You guys made the series and I am just the writer here. I wanted you guys to know how this series was actually made and how I started writing. The constant annoyance of my family and teachers and friends. 

This book is almost over though. I know short. But I don't see what is so entertaining about my writing. Tell me cause I'm interested to know.

Comes the next book after I finally finish this one. Withermu fans out there sorry. But Enderlox and Skybrine fan at heart. Mostly Enderlox. I was thinking of that the next book could be. Wait no. NO SPOILERS! I almost gave it away. Tell me if you want a fourth book still in the comments and also what is so entertaining about my writing. Cause I am curious. You can't really read your own writing and be surprise at what happens since you already know what it is.  

Til the next chapter!! BBYYEEEEE!!! :)


Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now