A Haunting Nightmare

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Sky's P.O.V

I open my eyes. I expect to see the base, but all I see is blackness. What the heck? Where am I? I spin around. I see someone. I walk towards them, but I stop once I figure out who it is. Withermu. The ground turns into grass and trees come. We are in a forest. Withermu looks at me. I feel a sharp pain in my side. I hold my side and go on my knees. Someone else comes beside Withermu. 

"Sky there you are." Withermu said. I look at the other one. 

"S-Seto." Seto looks at me. He has the Wither curse on him. My eyes widen. He's turned. 

"O Sky look at you. You can barely stand up." Seto said. His voice sends chills down my spine. This can't be real. If I'm dreaming someone wake me up! I lean on a tree and stand up. 

"Seto why?" 

"It's your fault that this happen Sky. Face it your always the problem!" Seto said. Seto walks towards me. I fall backwards. Seto points his hand at me. 


"No Sky. None of this would have happen if Austin never found you. Everything would have been fine if we never meant you! Your the problem!" Seto yelled. I back up as he walks towards me. Seto never yells at people. He is the calm one, but what if he is right about me. 


"You have always been the problem and I can take care of it right now!" Seto said. Withermu walks towards me too. Wake me up now. This can't be true. What Seto is saying is true. 

"Sky." Someone said. 

"I think he is waking up." Someone said. I am dreaming, this is not a dream. It's a nightmare! Seto and Withermu faint away. 

"Your the problem!" Seto yelled. I'm the problem? I fall on the ground. I close my eyes. I feel something soft. A light is hitting my eyes. 

"Sky can you hear me?" Someone asks. 

"Well is he up?" Someone asks. What happen? 

"I don't know. He is not responding." Someone said. I'm the problem. I can still hear Seto telling me I'm the problem over and over again. 

"Well-" Someone said. I open my eyes slowly. I see a figure looking at me. My vision is blurred. 

"He's up!" They said. 

"Sky can you hear me?" Someone asks.  My vision clears. I see someone looking at me. Dr. Q. 

"What happen?" I sit up and I feel that sharp pain in my side. I hold my side and grit my teeth. 

"Whoa take it easy Sky. You were stabbed in the side." Robert said. I was stabbed in the side. I don't remember that. 

"What?" I look at Robert. I'm in a hospital. 

"You don't remember." Dr. Q said. I shake my head. 

"Jason stabbed you in the side." Robert said. Wait Jason. It's coming back to me. 

"Where am I?" 

"IN the underground hospital. Bad stuff have been happening since the Sky Army was destroyed. We had to go underground. We were worried that you wouldn't wake up." Robert said. 

"How long?"

"What?" Dr. Q asks. 

"How long was I out?" 

"3 days." Robert said. My eyes widen. 3 days! I look at him. 

"3 days!" 

"Look Sky we have been waiting for you to wake up. We don't know what to do. Seto is down and you only know what it is that is on him." Robert said. I suddenly see Wither Seto. Then he disappears. Seto has the wither curse. 

"Where is he?" 

"Sky." Robert said. 

"Robert he has the wither curse. If I don't get rid of that now he could." I stop. I don't want to say it. I start hearing your the problem from Seto again. 

"Sky want could he?" Robert asks. I look at the ground. 

"He could turn against us and not by his own will." 

"OK here let help you." Robert said. I sit on the edge of the bed. 

"Take it easy Sky." Dr. Q said. I stand up and them instantly lean on the bed. It's like I'm learning to walk for the first time. 

"Here." Robert said. He takes my arm and puts it around his shoulders. A sorcerer takes a longer time for a curse to work on. I need to get to him quickly. I notice that my side is wrapped and I am wearing no shirt. I put on my coat slowly. We start towards Seto. Robert opens the door and we go into the hallway. People are sitting on the floor. They look sad and when they saw me. They got happy. Every step that I take feels like a thousand needles are going into my side. I grit my teeth. 

"Sky." Robert said. 

"I'm f-fine." I can barely speak. But that's all I got out. We walk down the hallway. Robert opens another door and we go in it. I see my friends there. They look at me and smile. 

"Sky thank god your awake." Jason said. I see only Withermu when I look at him.

"How's Seto?" 

"I don't know. I would say bad." Ty said. Mitch and Kitty are not here. Where are they? I look at Seto. The curse it getting worse. I lean on the bed. 

"Sky what is it?" Ian asks. 

"It's the Wither curse. They same curse that Jason got. It transfer to me and them Seto must have took it from me. I took Jason out of Withermu using the Soul Taker spell." 

"Wait how are you still standing if you used that spell?" Ty ask. 

"That's because Sky is a badass. I thought you could only use that spell once." Ian said. 

"I never said that. I said it would be hard and it was. It took more out of me. That's why I didn't fight back after I used it. I'm lucky I could stand before Withermu stabbed me." I kneel next to Seto. 

"Sky can you do something?" Ty asks.

"Yes stand back." I stand up. They back up. I hover my hands over Seto. I take a deep breath. I close my eyes. Please let this work. I'm not letting Seto become what I saw in my nightmare. 

The song was what I was listening to when I wrote this. I love this song! It gets stuck in my head alot. Kelly Clarkson- Catch my Breath. ENJOY THE CHAPTER!! BBBBYYYYYEEE!! :)


Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now