Finally Something Good!

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Mitch's P.O.V

I open my eyes and sit up.

"Mitch!" Tay yelled. I look at her. She hugs me. Sharp pains go everywhere.

"Let go please!"

"Sorry." Tay said. She let's go of me. I look around.

"Where am I?" I look at Tay.

"North village. Bad things have been happening every since the base was destroy." Tay said. Base was destroy?

"What is Sky doing?" Tay looks away from me.

"Mitch you were out for 3 days. Sky has been out for 3 days too. He still hasn't woken up." Tay said. My eyes widen.

"What hit me?"

"A wall fell on you. The Docter said that it's a mircle that your still alive. That wall should have killed you." Tay said. Lucky me. I sit on the edge of my bed. Tay runs around the bed and stands in front of me.

"Whoa wait Mitch. I don't think that you should get up yet." Tay said. I look at her.


"Mitch at least let me get the Docter here to look at you before you do anything." Tay said. Fine.

"Ok." Tay smiles.

"I'll be right back." Tay said. She runs out of the room.

"So your up." Someone said. I turn my head. Jerome.

"Yeah." Jerome walks in front of me.

"How you feeling?" Jerome asks.

"Like a wall fell on me." Jerome has cuts on him. They look like they treated him already.

"I would think so." Jerome said.

"How's Sky?"

"He was stabbed in the side. We got him here barely alive like you. He has not gotten up yet." Jerome said. I look at the ground. Tay comes in with a docter. Wait that's Dr. Q.

"So your up." Dr. Q said. I look at him.


"Well you'll feel sore after a while it should feel alright. Now both of you are up." Dr. Q said. Wait both?

"Both?" Jerom asks.

"You guys don't know. I would expect for Mitch not to know. Sky got up a couple of minutes ago. He is with Seto right now." Dr. Q said.


"You can leave if you want." Dr. Q said. How did he know that is what we wanted to do? I stand up. We run out the door and to Seto's room. What happen to Seto? We go in. I see Sky with Seto.

"Mitch your up." Robert said.

"What's Sky doing?"

"Curing Seto of the Wither curse I hope." Ian said. I look at Sky.

"I will go get the girls." Tay said. I look at her.

"That would be a good idea." She leaves.

Tay's P.O.V

Sky and Mitch are up. Things are finally looking up. I walk into a room. People are sitting on the floor. I see Kitty, Jess, and Ghost. I pull them aisde.

"Hey how's Mitch?" Kitty asks. We had to take Kitty out of Sky's room ourselves since she wouldn't leave herself.

"Mitch is awake and so is Sky." They smile.

"Really?" Ghost asks.

"Yes they are up. Come on." We run to Seto's room. We stop next to Mitch. I'm so happy that he is up. I couldn't stand seeing him down. Sky's eyes are glowing white. His hands are over Seto. Whatever he is doing it's working. The black pattern on him is disappearing. Sky's eyes return to normal. He goes on his knees instanlty. Kitty runs next to him.

Kitty's P.O.V

I kneel next to Sky. I look at him.

"Is he ok?" Robert asks. He's tired.

"Sky you just woke up why did you use magic right after you woke up?" He looks at me.

"Seto would have turned." Sky said. Turned?

"What?" I catch him. He is out cold again.

"He's out." Ty said.

"What again?" Robert asks.

"Robert Sky just used way too much magic to cure Seto and plus he just woke up after being stab in the side and waking up after being out for three days. Give him a break please."

"Fine." Robert said.

Tay's P.O.V

I walk down the hallway. I see Mitch. I grab his arm. 

"Ok that hurt." Mitch said. He looks at me. I look at him. I'm about to cry. I hug him. 

"I thought I loss you." I feel his arms around me. I feel tears coming down my face. I do have a breaking point. So does everyone else. 

"Hey I'm still here." Mitch said. I look up at him. 

"I know." Mitch wipes my tears away. We sit on the ground. I hug him. I am making his shirt wet. 

"What's wrong?" Mitch asks. I can't take losing someone close to me. When I saw Mitch hurt and dying. I was dying inside. That's why I was so happy to see him up. I saw my family when I looked at Mitch in that hospital bed. 

"I-I thought that I would lose the last person close to me." 

"Last person?" Mitch asks. 

"My family died and when I saw you in that hospital bed. I thought that I would have been left all alone." I feel his arms around me. 

"You'll never be alone. No one deserves to be alone. I'm always here for you.' Mitch said. 

"Am I hurting you?" 

"No I'm fine." Mitch said. 

Mitch's P.O.V

Tay is hurting me on so many levels. She is sending sharp pains everywhere, but she is upset. So the pain is not important. 

"No I'm fine." I put my head on the wall. Tay is crying on my chest. Her arms are wrapped around me. I put my arms around her. I probability can't get back up on the account that it will hurt more then ever. I see Jess coming. She stops and looks at us. 

"What's wrong with her?" Jess asks. I tell her what Tay said. 

"That's why." 

"Tay." Jess said. She sits next to Tay. 

"Doesn't that hurt Mitch?" Jess asks. 


The song is Viva la Vida by Coldplay. I love this song. If you watch Captinsparklez you many remember Fallen Kingdom. I was watching that and I thought this song would be perfect. But I hope you enjoyed the Chapter! BBBYYYYEEEEE!!! :)


Withermu: Book 3 to the Sky Army SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now